Hello. Recently when I perform searches the Safe Web icons do not show beside each result like they used to. I have tried all 4 sites listed on the Help manual (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask) and they dont show up. The Enable Norton Safe Web option is checked on my toolbar. I’m using IE8 and Norton 360 The icons were showing up regularly until recently but I can’t think of any possible scenario that might have triggered it. The only thing that I may classify as suspicious is a theme manager I downloaded from
that customizes my system’s theme, however this problem started well after I started using this theme, so I don’t think it’s the cause.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.
Thank you for your reply dbrisendine. I checked in Tools and the Compatability View was already unchecked. The two above it were though.
I just remembered something that might have to do with my issue. I use Malwarebyte's Anti Malware software. It includes some kind of protection Module wich I used to test out. It was about the same time this issue started. But I can't seem to find where I can confirm Norton 360 is my default Antivirus software which I guess could be part of the problem.
Thanks for reading.
You should be able to go to the Windows Security Center to check on the default AV status. (Control Panel > Security Center). If the MBAM that you have has a real-time scan function enabled, try and see what happens if you disable or turn that off. You may have to uninstall it to completely test this as part of the problem. I have used the free version and know that it does not interfere with N360’s functions at all. But I believe that the real-time scanner function in the paid version is not the same. Just a suggestion.
Hello. Recently when I perform searches the Safe Web icons do not show beside each result like they used to. I have tried all 4 sites listed on the Help manual (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask) and they dont show up. The Enable Norton Safe Web option is checked on my toolbar. I’m using IE8 and Norton 360 The icons were showing up regularly until recently but I can’t think of any possible scenario that might have triggered it. The only thing that I may classify as suspicious is a theme manager I downloaded from
that customizes my system’s theme, however this problem started well after I started using this theme, so I don’t think it’s the cause.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.
Thank you for your responses.
I checked in Windows Security Center and Norton 360 is my default AV. I also uninstalled MBAM but the problem persists. After this I reinstalled MBAM but haven't used the Protection Module. The Safe Web Icons still don't appear.
Hi Big_Papi,
Could you please check the status of the following Identity Settings? (To Open Identity Settings, Go to Settings -> Identity Protection-> Norton Safe Web)
- Enhance Search Engine Results
This should be enabled for annotating the search results for Google, Yahoo and MSN search pages. Please turn on this features, restart the browser (IE) and check the search pages for annotation.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Message Edited by AdolfD on 05-28-2009 08:54 AM