I installed Safety Minder on two PCs (one XP Home, one Windows 7 Home). Both children are using the recommended settings for their age, which includes the "Pornography" check box being checked. They are set up to monitor but not block. In both cases if they go to a porn site, the pop-up tells them it is restricted and the browser takes them to a Norton page. But when they click "I made a mistake, take me back" it shows them the porn site instead!!! In the activity log I see an alert that the "child was warned but did not proceed" which is completely misleading. Then if they attempt to visit the same site again it gives them no warning at all and just takes them directly to the porn. This time the activity log shows "Allowed website visited" with the porn URL and category "Pornography". And I and my wife have received zero emails warning us about anything. I have verified that both our email addresses are set up correctly for both kids. And I have received emails to the same address from community.norton.com no problem. I have reinstalled Safety Minder multiple times with no change. I have tested with lots of different restricted sites with the same result. I used a previous version of Safety Minder on the same PCs a while back with no problems. Something is completely broken in the current release. It's worse than having nothing installed because it gives the parent a false sense of security.