Since soon after I installed Norton Parental Control about 36 hours ago, any attempt to login (e.g. to configure the software) has only returned a page indicating that Norton Server is down. Although I received one response from KatieQ to my previous post about this (from 48 hours ago), I still have no resolution. I would have tried to uninstall/re-install or to re-install (presuming that that would automatically remove the former download) but, in the first case, the same server problem seems to be blocking acceptance of my password (required for uninstall) and in the second case, even when I try to simply go to the Norton Parental Control welcome screen, I am redirected after a few seconds to the same error message (copied below). By the way, the same error comes up if I try to login from a different computer that does not have NPC installed.
"Sorry, An error has occurred on the server. Please, try your request again later.
An error has occurred with our service, your data is safe, but for your protection and to prevent any possible loss of data your request was halted. The error has been logged and reported and we will look into it shortly.
Please return to the home page and log in again. If the problem persists, contact us for assistance."
Can anyone help me uninstall? (Never had this sort of basic deficiency with K9.) I'll try posting another message about this in a few hours . . . and then another in a few hours after that . . .. Thanks for your attention.
p.s. KatieQ: I sent you my e-mail address once as you requested.