Sandisk Canadian verison setting off Antiphishing

This seems a little strange and I am almost sure it's a false positive. I was over at the canadian verison of the sandisk site and my Norton antiphishing filter got set off.


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If I goto and select canada and tell the site yes remember this locaton. this is the key for setting this event off. this takes you to

the canadian verison,   Now If I click contact

I get this url

and then Technical Support it takes me here

and that link sets off my anti phishing protection on Norton Internet Security.

whats strange is loads just fine if I type it in so i know it's not the site it's self, and the norton web safe page says the url is safe.  if you goto sandisks site and not select canada it gives me the same address and loads just fine.


well almost the same, it's that extra little code after parm= that seems to set this alarm off.


strange stuff. if you don't know is Sandisks support for doing RMAs. I've used it before and never had a problem. but just was thinking I should point this out..

Message Edited by jarrycanada on 02-01-2009 06:36 PM