Saving web site settings

I switch internet access on and off for limited periods using the web site settings for my daughter in Norton Family.


The only way to do this seems to be to select ALL site categories and block them all.  This works fine, but when I want to give internet access back, I have to manually select each category I want my daughter to have access to, which is tiresome and slow.


Is there, or will there be, the ability in Norton Family to save web site category settings for an individual user, such that they can be restored with one click instead of category by category?


If this functionality already exists, please could I be pointed to the way of doing this.



Hi Elise,


You can Turn on or Turn Off  Web Supervision. Please see the following help page:


Or you can also unselect all categories by clicking the link "Unselect All categories" which appears under the list of categories.







thanks for your reply.  I was already aware of that functionality and the problem is a bit different.


The problem is this that if I had only some categories selected beforehand, then I select 'select' all (to block all internet access), the only way to give access back is to 'unselect all', which means my original partial selections have been lost.  There is no option to 'return to original settings'.


Do you have any advice on this please?



Unfortunately, that feature is not available. We don't have an option to remember and go back to the last settings. However, I will forward an Enhancement Request to our Development/Management team to consider providing an option to block only Internet Access with a single setting.

Thank you - please do.