Scan Engine, Program Version & Build Number

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Click on: Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Norton Internet Security (Symantec Corporation).


In your Norton Product at the top-right-hand-side, Click on: ? Help & Support > About.

Dear Floating Red,


This is not what I had in mind... Some AV programs has Scan Engines, Programs & Build Number.  (ie:- Everytime when an update is done, those version automatically changes to reflect that the Scan Engines and Virus Build are current).


I have just ran updated but my NIS version is still  It has not change since Dec 2007.  Is there something wrong?


Thank you




In that case, look in the Activity Log.  To do this: Open your Norton Product > Click Norton Internet Security Tab > Reports & Statistics > Activity Log.  Also look in the View History Section which is located in the left-hand-side of your Norton Product.


There is something wrong as symantec Released a New Version of N.I.S. 2008 in March 2008, via LiveUpdate, I think it was; somewhere around then.  I would use the Norton Removal Tool.  Type in Norton Removal Tool in the Search Bar and select Download and run the Norton Removal Tool.  Once you have used the N.R.T., you get to re-install your Norton Security Product after you re-start your computer.

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 06-21-2008 05:02 PM
Message Edited by Floating_Red on 06-21-2008 05:10 PM

Sea_Monster wrote:

Dear Floating Red,


I have just ran updated but my NIS version is still  It has not change since Dec 2007.  Is there something wrong?


I'm not certain about this but I think I've read here that LiveUpdate may not always apply a major update like to the 15.50 version because of the amount of time it could take. Don't take that as gospel unless you find the thread.


However Norton has published this link to take you direct to downloading that latest version: 


Download and save that. If your existing subscription is still valid then you can install that version and tell it to use your existing KEY.


I got caught when I uninstalled the earlier version that I did not export the Norton AntiSpam settings so I could re-import them and my wife is not very happy that we have to teach it again -- if you are using the free Add-on.

Thank you for your suggestions & Help


But my NIS2008 is working well and I wished not to spend time removing NIS and reinstalling it. (It will take me at least 1.5hrs or more just for handling NIS 2008 issues).  Moreover, I know that if I were to remove and reinstall it, it will create more problems with other programs I have in my computer.


I had experience previously after removing NIS2008, some of my other programs, including the internet access was corrupted.  I was really upset with NIS. 


Anyway, Thank you for your suggestion and I will just stick to what I have + I am using Threatfire together with NIS2008, at least both are not giving me problems.  Pray, that NIS is updated although it does not have any records. 


I have remain 200++ days of subsription left with NIS, I may consider changing to other AV software.  (Of course, I will consider NIS2009).  I heard it is very much improve.  I shall see.


I am not a computer technie, that is why I love NIS's firewall, it does not bother me with all the nonsense like other AV vendors.


Thanks you....for the link too.



One more thing,  Should I download the latest version of NIS from Symentec directly instead of your link?  Won't Symentec offer the latest version of NIS?


I thought Symentec should at least inform their paying customers of the new download.


Thank you

Sea_Monster wrote:

One more thing,  Should I download the latest version of NIS from Symentec directly instead of your link?  Won't Symentec offer the latest version of NIS?



Are you replying to my message in which I wrote:


<< However Norton has published this link to take you direct to downloading that latest version: 


Download and save that. If your existing subscription is still valid then you can install that version and tell it to use your existing KEY.  >>


If so that is a direct link to Symantec/Norton so I don't understand your question.

See one of Tony_Weiss’s Posts  about Subscriptions and Upgardes/Re-newals here:

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 06-22-2008 01:06 PM

Hello Sea_Monster,


LiveUpdate won't update your NIS to the latest version as the new update is not critical. LU updates only protection updates and critical program updates, this was explained by moderator/administrator or symantec employee, in this forum. He also said that if the current version is working without problems, no need to update.

Thank you for all your help.


I do understand that it is not critcal to update NIS to the latest version, however, my main concern is that I want to know the Scan Engine, Build Number that some other AV programs has.  The information states on the programs, will correspond to the information in the AV's website.


Previously, I was using another AV program, everytime I updated, it will show clearly the Scan Engine Version, AV Version, Build Number...etc.  But I do not know why Norton does not have those information readily available to the User.


Thank you



it might be because if it is readily available for the user to see its also readily available for the malware too.  malware can be more effective in it's fight against the user if it knows what it's up against.  for example if the malware knows that it is up against version XX of company YY's product, then the malware can say let me see i know how to turn that version off...

Message Edited by 4runner on 06-22-2008 11:29 AM

4runner wrote:

it might be because if it is readily available for the user to see its also readily available for the malware too.  malware can be more effective in it's fight against the user if it knows what it's up against.  for example if the malware knows that it is up against version XX of company YY's product, then the malware can say let me see i know how to turn that version off...

Message Edited by 4runner on 06-22-2008 11:29 AM


Frankly, I am not a techie and from a non-technical point of view it does not make sense to say that malware will be able to SEE those information, isn't those information always available via AV's website or even on the internet search? So, shouldn't the other AV company be "afraid" that malware can see those information too?


Also, if a malware wants to penetrate into ones computer, they do not have to care what version of AV, or Scan Engine you have, the most important is to have the latest updates of scan engines so that they can fight the latest malware available.


It is really up to the AV company to "Boost up" and constantly update their engines so that malware cannot figure it out.   


If you visit other AV's website, they usually state the following one the first webpage:-


  • Latest Virus Pattern File 5.373.00
  • Latest Scan Engine 8.700.
  • Build Version 15.5078

    So all the users has to do is to compare the information to see if it tally with their AV.  If not, they can update it and hope for the best.  I believe, if others (big AV company) can post these information, than why not Symentec.


    This is the information I have been trying to get thru to Symentec.


    Thank you



    Is this what you were looking for?



    This site lists the current Virus Definition sets, and the Product Security Updates. Please let me know if you were looking for something else. Thanks! 


    You may want to put a shortcut to this webpage on your desktop -- it's what I use to check on what definitions were updated if I need to know. Note the drop list at the bottom to select different months.




    Tony_Weiss wrote:

    Is this what you were looking for?



    This site lists the current Virus Definition sets, and the Product Security Updates. Please let me know if you were looking for something else. Thanks! 


    Dear Mr Weiss,


    Yes and no....those information are very useful detailed, but it does not really give me a "tally" between what is stated on my PC (ie:- the current NIS I have).


    I used to use a AV product (which I do not know if I am allow to mention here??) have information that tallys between what the users has and product website.  That way, users can know if they are using the latest version of the AV.


    Perhaps NIS has the information hidden some where.  Let me know if they are available.  If so, why are they hidden?


    Thank you



    Dear Huwyngr,


    Thank you.  for your information.  Mr Tony Weiss has forwarded the information, (which I have searched it).  Those information you provided does not really give me any information with comparison to my existing NIS.  There is no way for me to tell if I updated to the latest scan engine, virus definitions, except for the "PROTECTION UPDATE" in settings.


    I used to use another AV, those information are always available and updated after there are new scan engines and virus definitions.


    Thank you for those information.




    huwyngr wrote:

    You may want to put a shortcut to this webpage on your desktop -- it's what I use to check on what definitions were updated if I need to know. Note the drop list at the bottom to select different months.





    I think this is the closest information which I need, considering that the dates (on my NIS and on the definitions listed in Symentec's website) are on the same date.


    But I also feel that Symentec should provide more detail information (ie:- Sequence Number). 


    Perhaps, this information should be made easily available, instead of asking.


    Thank you.



    As I am sure you are beginning to see, Norton do pay attention to what we say here, when it is constructive <s>


    From memory, earlier versions, or maybe in N360, the About screens gave information on the version and the "engine" -- but then if you look in a file manager at the files that Symantec installs the question arises as to which is "the engine" or of how much information it is useful for an application to give.


    Have you tried running Belarc Advisor to see how much information that gives about what you have installed both hardware and software!

    Yes, you're right Symentec's Customers Service has improved and I am very happy with their CS and recent products (I am a proud owner of 2 of their products) excluding NIS.  Hope they can keep up with it.


    As a user, information that are easily available and understandable are critical.  Considering that most NIS users are home or home office users having those information can give us an ease of mind, (as mentioned before, having a updated Scan Engine is Critical).  On the other hand, most would also agree that users need not have those information, as long as they update their AV promptly.

    What I am conerned (with Symentec) is that they failed to inform users of the "updates" from version 15.06 to 15.5.  If not for Firefox issues, I would not have search the Norton forum, than I would not have realised that there is another version (ie:-15.5).  SYMENTEC HAS FAILED TO INFORM USERS OF THIS MATTER.


    I was not aware of another "newer" version that offer better resource, protection and usage. (version 15.5, gives better resource, it load better, offering less boot times), it runs smoother and scan at least 4-5% faster.That is what I am concerned and want Symentec to change with regards to above.


    If by any change, you have "more authority to convince".  please forward my above request and hope that Symentec can change in the future.


    Also, thank you for the information on Belarc Advisor, it is alot similar to Secunia, but better.


    Thank you