Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Went into scan to clean out the temp files 5 different times today, and in each occasion, it said there was a scan already in progress. Opened Task Manager and there was stubscan.exe sitting there using 4096K, not doing anything. Couldn’t kill it in TM, so I had to reboot the system
This same issue is driving me nuts. I have used Norton 2009 removal tool and re installed several times and scanstub.exe keeps locking up the Norton 360 V2 program. U can go to task manager and delete scanstub.exe but u must first open Norton settings and un check SymProtect Tamper Protection. But this is not a fix, it just does the same as reboot, the message “a scan is in progress” will just keep coming back in a short time. It is my understanding that windows is stopping the scan but I don t have a clue how to fix it. And Norton 24 hour help is useless. I guess I am going to be forced to go back to 360 version 1 until my subscription runs out.
Tech0utsider wrote:
Can you replicate the issue? Or did this issue occur once?
No, I can't replicate it, as it's only happened to yours truly once. I see by the follow up poster that it happens to him more often. I don't know what the other poster's system set up is, but my ole system is old, a 7 year old Toshiba with just 512M Ram, with XP SP3 loaded up.
I have 1.5 MB of RAM and XP SP3 loaded on a HP pavilion Media Center Desktop. I also have a laptop that I loaded (at the same time as the desktop) with 360 Version 2 and have not had any problems with it. The 360 version 2 is a fine product when it works well.
badbob52 wrote:
Tech0utsider wrote:
Can you replicate the issue? Or did this issue occur once?No, I can't replicate it, as it's only happened to yours truly once. I see by the follow up poster that it happens to him more often. I don't know what the other poster's system set up is, but my ole system is old, a 7 year old Toshiba with just 512M Ram, with XP SP3 loaded up.
Well great, it just happened once. Then it must be a one in a million kind of issue.
jackrabbit wrote:
This same issue is driving me nuts. I have used Norton 2009 removal tool and re installed several times and scanstub.exe keeps locking up the Norton 360 V2 program. U can go to task manager and delete scanstub.exe but u must first open Norton settings and un check SymProtect Tamper Protection. But this is not a fix, it just does the same as reboot, the message "a scan is in progress" will just keep coming back in a short time. It is my understanding that windows is stopping the scan but I don t have a clue how to fix it. And Norton 24 hour help is useless. I guess I am going to be forced to go back to 360 version 1 until my subscription runs out.
You could have corrupted installation files. Access Help and Support through Norton and ask a support rep to aid you in running the Norton Removal Tool and removing all Norton files and Registary traces.
jackrabbit wrote:
Did they just run the Norton Removal Tool?
I should clarify. Did they just run the Norton Removal Tool and continue with a fresh install or did they delete anything else?
Tech0utsider wrote:
badbob52 wrote:
Tech0utsider wrote:
Can you replicate the issue? Or did this issue occur once?No, I can't replicate it, as it's only happened to yours truly once. I see by the follow up poster that it happens to him more often. I don't know what the other poster's system set up is, but my ole system is old, a 7 year old Toshiba with just 512M Ram, with XP SP3 loaded up.
Well great, it just happened once. Then it must be a one in a million kind of issue.
As I had mentioned previously, I had just installed 360 v2 recently, so this kind of reply by you is not needed, nor warranted. And just for your information, it happened again. Not only that, but last night, I got an error message saying that I had not backed up my files, and needed to do so. I had previously set the back up function to not back up, after I had received error messages before saying I only had 1 meg left of the 2 gigs available on the back up server. Scott @ Symantec was able to clean out my back up previously.
So, to stop the error message, I revised the settings to back up a few PST files. After 6 hours of trying to scan & sync my system files with the back up server, I just cancelled it. I'm through with 360 as I'm seeing too many snafus with this version.
To add a bit more, I uninstalled 360 and downloaded NIS 09, only to get an error message saying that it found Kasperskey 6.0 AV, which I have never installed on my system ... Got around that and installed the program and am doing a full scan as we speak. Will check it out tomorrow morning to see how it went as I'm going to bed.
One last thing Tech, no need to reply to yours truly, as I think you are a jerk for your prior reply. I provide unofficial tech support in another forum and would never provide those kind of comments you have to new users ...
I did not know this had a time out, I explained it all to u then lost my data due to time out.
1. I have had very poor results with online hat and the one time I let them
control my computer. Both left with no results.
I finally got a good tech thru email. On Oct 11 I deleted temp files and reinstalled. Last night it ran an auto scan before
the scanstub.exe came back. So we made some progress
Geez I am good, I can t even use this forum correctly, oh well, I have a sense of humor.
The next step is to do misconfig and disable windows components but ths will be difficult since it is only locking up on scanstub.exe about every four hours now. THUS SHOULD I JUST WAIT TIL MY SUBSCRIPTION RUNS OUT AND QUIT FIGHTING THE ISSUE. IT HAS EATEN UP LARGE PARTS OF MY TIME FOR SUCH ACTIVITIES.
Hey techoutsider, thanks for the help. Seems like it was temp files after all, cleaned temp files which were loaded with numerous outdated Norton folders, re installed again and all seems to be working ok. Also deleted download history prior to re installing. All seems to be working now…THANKS
jackrabbit wrote:
Hey techoutsider, thanks for the help. Seems like it was temp files after all, cleaned temp files which were loaded with numerous outdated Norton folders, re installed again and all seems to be working ok. Also deleted download history prior to re installing. All seems to be working now.....THANKS
:) Great to help. For anyone else with Norton 360 issues, your best bet is contacting a support rep who will assist you in removing all Norton files.
Can you replicate the issue? Or did this issue occur once?