Dear all,
I work in a place that provides public computers for external users. I subscribed to this forum because I need help with Anti Virus in Flashes. We scan our client’s flashes before they download their documents but recently the different viruses that are in their flashes are very potent and the Norton Antivirus always asks to Reboot. When the Norton Antivirus ask you to Reboot, that means that your computer will restart and then you have to start all again with the next Flash. Sometimes we have 8 to 10 flashes to scan anti virus in one hour, so you can imagine how annoying is to restart the computer all these times.
Question: It is compulsory to Reboot when the Norton Antivirus ask you to do or you can Close and remove the Flash without Rebooting?. Norton Antivirus gives you the option to Reboot or to Close. What if I Close instead of Reboot?
Please, advise.