Scans/ product ads

 After running the smart scan, at the end Norton wants to sell more products ie. Driver updater.  This very annoying and seems like Norton only wants to scan to scam. why can I not turn this off?  the smart scan only seems to run to sell the driver updater, it doesn't really seem to do anything else.   I already have every other Norton fee there is and every time they come out with a new one they want more money.   Now I am all ready having a hard time justifying the cost as it is.  On top of this my older drive on one computer that can no longer update windows is constantly being slowed down or stalled by Norton wanting to run smart scan and I have to turn Norton off completely to get the computer up and running.   When is enough enough? 

Yes, I to am also annoyed with Norton's constant ads to buy more of their software additions that should already be included in the original plan.  It's already expensive enough.  They sold me on this saying that I would be fully protected.  Not!!! they keep telling us we need additional crap to be fully protected!!!!!

No.  Turning off "special offers" does very little.  This obnoxious software continues to bombard you with ads.   I was so happy with Kaspersky that I'm actually going back, despite the risk with Russian FSB.  

It should tell you something-- I'd rather have a potential Russian hack than put up with constant annoyances from Norton.  It has gone too far.

Turning off the special offers at the end of the Smart Scam:

Device security > Open > Settings > Administrative settings > Disable special offers

i would use the full scan or quick scan option, not sure why smart scan causes issues