Scheduled full system scan with NIS 2012

having been a little behind the times, now closer with NIS 2012
(Oh by the way, when did the US wind up with 50 states now?? :slight_smile: )

So when I installed NIS 2012 it transfered my settings from 2011.
So I have a scheduled Full System scan daily (overkill, I know. But it makes me happy) that occurs in the late night hours when nobody uses the PC.
So last night the scan ran as scheduled.
I have it set to notify me of low risks and then I give the ok to remove
All was clean except tracking cookiesHowever, there appeared to be a different presentation than with 2011.
With 2011 the scan would run, but the scan window would be open on my desktop showing that tracking cookies found and asking me what to do.
But with 2012 this did not show on my desktop.
WHEN I clicked the norton icon in the services tray, then there was a scan window that just showed that there were risks, tracking cookies, and asking me what to do.
Point is that it presented differently than the 2011.
Slso the recent history log showed the scan was completed (even thought cookies were not yet remove) and again in 2011 that would not show completed until I gave approval to fix. Know this is not 2011 so not sure if 2012 doesnโ€™t display that way or if 2012 has more settings than 2011
1) Just wanting to see if I need to modify the settings on the scan so that the window will remain up on my desk top until I ok the removal of low risks
2) Also wanting to make sure there is nothing wrong with my scanning process
all help appreciated