I have a number of PCs using Windows 8.1. In the past I have used Retrospect Backup and NovaBackup to backup my files. Both allowed me to view my current File Directory (as shown when using MS File Explorer). Thus, I was able to quickly select the File Folders, or the specific files within file-folders, that I want to backup. This is very helpful, as I (like most users) have spent many hours during past years establishing how I want my files to be organized, and the 'logic' of their organizational-structure is now almost second nature to me. Further, my structure is built around some of the newer features of Windows: e.g. "Pictures" are now in a separate File Folder, and they are not part of "My Documents" (indeed the title "My" is no longer used by the more recent versions of Windows). In contrast to all of this, as I now try to learn how to use "Norton Security with Backup", I am presented with a lengthy list of individual files when I attempt to select the files I want to back up. Included in the list are administrative logs that I have no day-to-day interest in, etc, and the files are not listed in an order than I can readily make sense of. They seem to be organized alphabetically: e.g. an excel file is followed by an AppData file, etc. I then click on "Folders" to see if this might "chunk" the plethora of files into a more meaningful structure. Instead, I am again presented with an alphabetical list of file-folders. The window is small and cannot be expanded, so I can not see the full name of each file-folder. I could select some of these folders for backup, but I have no confidence/no personal security that I have made a comprehensive selection. IS THERE ANY WAY TO CONFIGURE THE WIZARD FOR SETTING UP A BACKUP-SET WITHIN NORTON SECURITY, so that I can take advantage of the File-Structure I have created over the years? Alternatively, CAN ANYONE COMMENT ON HOW I CAN MORE QUICK/IMMEDIATE SENSE OF THE CHOICES OFFERED TO ME BY THE WIZARD, so that I can readily/quickly use the choices offered to me by Norton Security? Unless I can more forward more quickly in either of these ways, I will not pursue the use of NortonBACKUP. I do value Norton's anti-virus and anti-malware services. Thanks for any help you can offer. SamAyles