I have made every attempt to silence Norton 360, made settings changes, repeatedly answered "No Thanks" to pop ups, yet the steady barrage continues of these "Service Notifications" which appear at the bottom right of my screen. Been happy with this brand since Peter Norton started it. But some clown's idea of taking over my desktop is a deal breaker. Nobody wants to listen to a whiney kid or keep reading this junk.
I've turned off the following blue circled settings in Norton Administrative settings in an attempt to find the switch and nothing has worked:

I've turned off the Notifications settings for Norton in Windows 10:

And yet...the company circumvents ALL OF THIS....obviously I do not want to get a NOTIFICATION from Norton. You're ignoring the customer's wishes. I do not want to see POP UPS, SPECIAL OFFERS, and FEATURES IM NOT USING OR INTERESTED IN...from you Norton.
Please show me how to turn this garbage OFF or I'll find a less intrusive program! Yes i'm frustrated.
My screenshots are being moderated at the time of this post. I do see them at the bottom as File attachments.
No, it's okay @SoulAsylum. I'll never upgrade this machine to Windows 10 or higher. She's old but powerful & expensive, and I've been inside the computer industry since 1978. First hardware, then software tech support, and onto software development. I know what I'm doing and can't stand Windows 10 anyway. I have 2 laptops, one Windows 10, the other Windows 11. They're both inferior to Windows 7. I know my way around operating systems, and I know my 2015 machine intimately. I curse Microsoft for forcing people onto 1 O.S. The development lifecycle for Windows 7, 8 was too short and it was purely a money move on their part. I'm an old DOS man. Nothing you can tell me about my own machine & crappy Windows 10/11. They're doing too much by assuming the end-user doesn't know what they're doing. I do. 
The software that won't run has been verified, and other software too expensive for me to update. Screw MS who isn't paying for any of this nuisance.
Indeed. Administrator privileges are required to change Norton settings. Check your private message inbox here on the forums. I'd like to ask a few questions about the software that won't run on Windows 10, maybe I can help you with that and your upgrade to Windows 10.
So far @SoulAsylum, I keep getting access denied when my userid is Administrator. I'll have to log into my machine as Administrator and see if I can rename those files. Luckily, I set up that account for another reason years ago.
Yes, of course there are complaint websites all over the place. Problem is that 45 got rid of consumer protections, so these businesses don't have to care how many people dislike this. Nothing happens to them as a result. It's a hassle because there are so many sites spread out everywhere, and they're all ineffective to get a business to change its practices. Like vanilla versions of the BBB, FTC, Attorney General, Consumer Affairs, etc. They all placate these businesses and sing to their tune. They're a joke and a waste of lots of time & effort. I think big business pays them to stay out of the way. They're all in bed with these businesses and are practically laughing at us because nothing can stop them.
It wasn't always this way. I didn't grow up in this century and saw better days when businesses cared more. You're right; they should provide a clear answer as to why they're ignoring all these complaints, and I see more than a handful over the years. We speak for those that aren't technical enough to even know how to complain to this business & others; there are more than you can see. Do a Google search on 'Norton complaints' or 'Norton pop up complaints' and you'll have a clearer picture of the volumes of people who don't like this nonsense. It's only getting worse, because Norton isn't the only business crapping on consumers, providing horrible customer service/tech support, then ignoring end-users. I'm frustrated because we pay for this and I can't find another big-name virus product that will install on one of my machines (the main one). It's not on Windows 10+ and I will never upgrade it because of software that won't run on Windows 10+.
I think what we do not know is the rate of sale/additional purchases based on the popups from customers. Perhaps it is successful on the backend verses 10-15 complaints This is usually the reason unfortunately. Someone should create a website called bad service. You enter your complaint/product, and time frame/dates of no response and all complaints are queried to a single simple related issue to product(s). Perhaps this would make Norton and other Vendors blink quicker to conversate when knowing this direct and simple info is accessed/seen by others who have purchase decisions to make. This issue is unreal, and I have tried to be nice and supportive. I love Norton and have been using it since 2000. Does anyone know if other security products are also flooded by popup logic? What gets me here is at least a response of ‘why and how’ would be nice from Norton at this point-even if they disagree.
@Trigger The work around I shared does work, it takes less than 5 minutes to renamed those two files and stop most of the annoyances, at least on my end it does. And yes, this should be addressed, I have pushed this thread to the folks that should and can take it for action. Conversely and as stated earlier, this is driven by marketing, at a very high level. Will they take action? Most likely that answer is an astounding no. The non-sense notifications and sell-ups have progressively become worse over time, the complaints which are many have fallen onto deaf ears. Once again, lets allow someone Norton to step into the thread for answers those of us assisting with support here on the forums cannot give.

OMG, These pop-ups are never ending!!! Same as the previous one, I will select: Don't ask me again, as I have done 50x before, and yet...here it is.
Norton: Look at my clock, these are happening on the hour! Please add a Stop All Non-Critical Notifications feature immediately or I'm gone the minute this subscription ends.

So far, Norton has not supplied information nor a solution for turning off these notifications boxes. Without doing modifications to system files as suggested by poster SA, there appears to be no built in solution. I do not want to keep closing boxes that stick until you close them.
Therefore I conclude the only option is to buy a different brand. Norton, it's been a nice 25 year ride, but you've jumped the shark.
Attached is the latest annoyance. A pop-up that tells me the product is ...doing it's job?? I don't need this.
As I hovered over the Close Window X, a pop up appeared that asked Remind Me Later, or Don't Show Again. Guess which one I chose, and what will happen again in short order?
On all my Windows 10 systems, I renamed the following two files that are responsible for most of the annoyances in my installation, they are "nuPerfScan.exe and tulH.exe". Norton tamper protection must be temp disabled to do so. The only con to this is these two files will get replaced with the originals and their file names when an NGC product update is released.

SoulAsylum, I get that one and another one when I reboot my computer. It wants me to run a scan after reboot. I'm not liking this, because I have 3 computers spanning 3 operating systems, but the other 2 I don't fire up that often. I feel invaded by these pop-ups.
Don't dare call on tech support (really customer support, because I can't believe so many of them have little-to-no training). They'll have you doing the same tired things they always do, because they have no knowledge and are following scripts that have nothing to do with this issue.
I just got this little pop-up and startup on my Windows 11 machine with N360 Deluxe installed. Its directly from my Norton product, nothing to do with any settings within Windows.

Unfortunately these service notifications are "baked" into every Norton product these days. Driven by marketing.
Out of curiosity I clicked on
1) The up triangle on my screen's bottom bar (to the right)
2) Clicked on "Customise"
3) Norton Security changed it to - "Hide icon and notifications"
For the last 12 hours I haven't had any pop ups.
Solution ? (hopefully :-) )
I know what I want to buy or not buy. Because of those popups being so annoying, I won't buy a thing from them. While they think it will bring in more to their bottom line, I really wonder how many people are adding features with those popups? It's a huge turnoff to me, so NORTON, I'm not buying another thing from you because of them.
A security vendor’s prime purpose it to allow complete control and safety for your desktop/device. It’s a complete joy to know what and where anything comes from and full control. How can there be any logic in allowing this to be a concern to paying customers? It just baffles me.
I agree. Extremely annoying. I would like to be able to use my computer. It's like the arcade game with the soft hammer and the heads popping up. Get rid of one, and another appears, and another, and another.
Anyway, the only solution I can find is to cancel my subscription.
Onwards and upwards.
Oh man, I can't agree with this more. Why is everybody trying to take over our computers (and phones) as if it's their own? I don't want these pop-ups every time I turn around. I get multiple pop-ups besides the one you do, and I'm livid. I know it will be fruitless to try to catch all of them to turn off. I say don't ask me again, and it always does. The same ones over & over & over. What is wrong with all these businesses?
Because of my O.S. I can't find another product to replace this one, or I would. They're probably just as bad, but the other popular one won't install on my machine. So, I'm stuck with Norton, which I hate. Their customer service is so bad, I don't feel like dealing with them; they waste my time to do nothing.
I agree. Norton, let me kindly just say this. These can cause several areas of concerns for customers. The first causing one to take incorrect steps to eliminate them resulting in increased security risks (like using task scheduler and disabling functionality in error-etc.). The second being this is just another popup that makes it harder for people to differentiate spam/scam verses actuals and possible instances of allowing security risks. I understand the aspect of being helpful and offering options along with necessary marketing endeavors but along these should be steps to successfully turn them off or allow them proactively as options prior to the popups.