I have a local wireless network in my home. I use GoodSync to keep my portable harddrive in sync with my desktop computer. I use GoodSync on my laptop to keep it in sync with my desktop (certain folders).
GoodSync not so long ago introduced a function to allow me to sync my laptop with my desktop via my wireless network and I believe it actually uses a Siber Systems server in the cloud to accomplish this. It has been working fine.
I have just tried to execute the sync job for the first time since I installed Norton 360 v6. Norton 360 is now telling me that it has detected an intrusion attempt from (which is my desktop computer, confirmed by Network Magic).
Here is the information I have been provided with by Norton 360:
"An intrusion attempt by was blocked."
"Network traffic from matches the signature of a known attack. The attach was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISK\VOLUME3\PROGRAM FILES\SIBER SYSTEMS\GOODSYNC\GOODSYNC.EXE. To stop being notified for this type of traffic, in the Actions panel, click Stop Notifying Me."
"IPS Alert Name Malicious Site: Malicious Web Site, Domain, or URL 2"
"Risk High"
"Attacking Computer, 33333"
"Attacker URL"
"Destination Address DELL1420 (, 60172"
"Source Address"
"Traffic Description TCP, Port 33333"
1) Am I right in assuming that if I click on Stop Notifying Me that the "intrusion" will still be blocked but I just won't be informed?
2) I think I don't want the intrusion blocked because I do want to sync my two computers. How can I tell Norton 360 that this activity is OK. I don't want to have to permit by IP address because I use DHCP and the addresses change periodically. I need to be able to permit by mac address or by the program name.
3) Is it possible that my GoodSync is actually compromised and is now a trojan for some other malicious software?
Siber Systems is an established provider of utility software. I am surprised that Norton 360 would flag them if this is a known activity by Goodsync. Again, this issue was apparently introduced with my installation of Norton 360 v6. I have received no malicious software warnings from Norton 360 on my desktop.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
I have no other protection software installed on either machine. So it is unlikely that this is a conflict among malware protection.
Steve Frye