Since installing Norton 2008 I can't download banking transactions from my bank's website

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

IE7.  It was working fine before upgrading to Norton 2008.

Is there a setting somewhere within Norton that will allow my banking transactions to download directly into Microsoft Money?

rsleepr wrote:

IE7.  It was working fine before upgrading to Norton 2008.

Have you tried Opera? This way we can easily see if the Norton toolbar is the issue

I'm not sure what you mean by trying Opera?  What is that?

rsleepr wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean by trying Opera?  What is that?

That's a different browser.

Do you have Norton Anti-Virus or Norton Internet Security?

If it is Norton Internet Security, does temporarily disabling the product seem to help?

If it does, look in the logs and see if there are any unexpected blocks.


I suspect that the firewall is preventing MS Money from connecting to your bank's site. Things should automatically configure to work for you but a block rule may have been inadvertently created that is preventing you from connecting. What version of MS Money are you using too? 

I upgrade each January to the latest version of Internet Security, so 2008 is what I have.  The download was working fine prior to this upgrade, so I’m guessing that 2008 has some setting in it preventing it from working now.  My MS Money version is 2005.  Can you walk me through stopping the blocks from that site?

I don’t have the product immediately available. Hopefully somebody else can describe the exact steps for you otherwise it may take me a day or two.

Please hang with me.  I’ll appreciate any help you can provide!

hi rsleepr - two things to try:


1 - reset the firewall - here's how:

  • from the Norton Internet Security tab, click Settings, then Web Browsing, Personal Firewall, then configure
  • under the Personal Firewall settings, click Advanced Settings
  • at the bottom click Reset and test

if that fails, you'll need to identify the .exe that MS Money uses (right click shortcut to the program and look for what file is being called). once you have that, try this


2 -  add / allow MS Money executablein ProgramControl list - here's how

  •  from the Personal Firewall settings, click Program Control
  • browse list for MS  Money - if it is there, ensure that setting is set to "Allow"
  • if MS Money is not there, click Add and browse to the file and folder for the MS Money executable

good luck,



Let's check to see if the Intrusion Prevention componenet of NIS 2008 is potentially causing the problem, do the following:

1. Open NIS

2. Click the Norton Internet Security Tab

3. Under Settings, Web Browsing, click Intrusion Prevention and click Turn Off 


Try downloading the banking transactions. Post a reply telling if this fixed the problem.

Hey rsleeper


I suggest you do the following steps in this support doc to check if Norton Internet Security 08 is blocking MS Money




Unfortunately, none of the above worked.  I am attempting to download from a third party banking service called fundsexpress, which the bank uses to manage its online banking program.  It’s not MS Money that is being blocked, but the download from fundsexpress.  Any more ideas?

hi rsleeper - just to recap:


you started with this problem:

"Is there a setting somewhere within Norton that will allow my banking transactions to download directly into Microsoft Money"


and now:

 "It's not MS Money that is being blocked, but the download from fundsexpress."


the details of the failure to download a program from the third party service would be valuable. Here's the kind of information that would be useful:


  • did you receive an error from your browser or from NIS?
  • what was the error?
  • what was the file you were trying to locate and from what location?
  • was it a secure (https) site?
  • can you download files from any other location?
  • can you download from ftp (try this link - you can delete the file after the test)
  • what happens if you temporarily

you may not be able to find out all of that, but the more information you can feed back here, the better the chance we have to understand what's happening.



I'm sorry for the confusion.  I haven't been exactly clear, but I'll try to better describe what's happening.


I log into the bank's online banking site and have no problem accessing my account information.  Their site requires me to download my transactions into MS Money via a series of pulldown boxes that define the dates I wish to download, the max number of transactions, the program I'm downloading to, i.e. Money, Quicken, etc.  When I click the "Download" button, I get the typical popup download box with the Windows-famous flying file animation.  That's where things hang up.  I have left that animation and that popup box running all night long several times just to see if I can get to the end of it.  It will go on and on.  Never an error message, and it won't seem to stop on its own.  This box appeared prior to my upgrading to NIS 2008, but it disappeared once the download completed.  Now it seems the download never completes.


I hope this is a clearer description of what's happening, and I hope it leads one of us to a conclusion.  I'm certainly perplexed at this point.

hi rsleeper - thanks for the detailed exposition - it's a bit clearer now at least we konw now that there is no error from any program during the process. can you detail the results of the other tests, as i'm still not sure if we're looking at a port specific problem, a browser plugin related problem or something else entirely. here's the tests (shouldn't take too long) that will help narrow the problem further:


  • it sounds like you are able to successfully log into a secure site (your bank). you can confirm this by looking at the URL once you are signed in; it will start with https://
  • does the banking site support only IE? if not, what results do you get with Firefox?
  • what happens when you download from ftp (try this link - you can delete the file after the test)?
  • confirm that there was no change to the problem after disabling Transaction Security within NIS

even if disabling Transaction Security within NIS, I might also recommend disabling their BHO's to confirm (in IE, select Tool / Manage Add-ons - from there, you should be able to disable the Symantec items. Restart browser and retest.)


if this doesn't do the trick or illuminate the problem, i'm not sure what else to try.




what webbrowser are you using?