Since NIS update to Outlook anti-spam is disable

I run Windows 7 professional and Office 2010.


Since I updated to the teh NIS version the Northon Anti Spam add-in on Outlook has been disabled.


I am getting a lot of spam through straight to my inbox and I can't guarentee I won't accidentally click on it. I need the anti-spam feature.


NOTE !!!! I have already:


!. Tried to  enable the Norton Oulook Anti Spam plug in in Outlook - under File | Options | Addins | Com addins. I can check it and select OK but it remains as disabled on the addin list.


2. Made sure sure the  NIS Network  |Message Protection | Client Integration is checked.


3. Unchecked the NIS Network  |Message Protection | Client Integration, Rebooted. Checked it again, rebooted, tried to enable the plug in - no success.


4. Repaired the Office 2010  installation.


5. Ran the Norton autofix; no issues were found.


I still cannot get the anti spam plug in to work.



Please help.


