I have set www.addictinggames.com to be blocked from my sons list of blocked sites, yet everytime i test it by googling bowman and select http://www.addictinggames.com/bowman2.html it lets him right in. other sites I have listed as blocked are being blocked, which makes this all the more confusing. Here is a screen shot of the site I have blocked.
It tells me that format is invalid, have to ad it as www.addictinggames.com or else it wont take.
And did you tried to reach the site with your, or with your child's windows accont?
His of course
It's working now. Not sure if the setting just took a long time to update or what, but I haven't changed it since I started this post and its not allowing it now. Thanks.
If you change the settings on the website using another machine other than the child's machine, there can be a brief delay in synching down the updated policies.
If you suspect that this may have been the case, you can always check by selecting "View My House Rules" from the child's machine, which will reflect the current policies on the computer.