It's me, the noob again with another question. I searched the forum and found many similar posts but most were either quite old or the solution didn't apply.
Again, I have Win7 Pro x64 SP1, NIS 2012 v19.2.0.10 30-day free trial. Web browser IE9 32-bit.
I primarily use Google for searches. The first time I search for something, the search results do not display the Site Safety icons. So far, I have found that pressing F5 (refresh) on the web page will now show the icons -OR- if I click on a link and go to one of the search results and then click on the browser back button to return to the search result list, the Site Safety icons now appear.
The Norton Toolbar is enabled and 2 buttons are displayed at the top of the IE9 window - 'Norton' and 'Safe Web'
When I look at Manage add-ons, it shows:
Norton Toolbar - Enabled
Norton Idenity Protection - Enabled
Norton Vulnerability Protection - Disabled
Any idea why the Site Safety icons are not showing up when the search results are first displayed?