Size of window and fonts for NU 16

I have a question about size of windows and fonts used in the UI for NU 16 (and other Norton Products).


I'm asking because I have difficulty reading the small fonts. When I enlarge the fonts using windows dpi option, then some of the information will extend beyond the space allocated. And therefore I have to use the 100% size dpi or lose some of the information.

I have a large 32" HDMI monitor, but I have to move the NU 16 window to my 42" HDMI monitor to read easily.

Using the windows magnifier is a real pain, so please do not suggest that. I've already tried it.

So here are the questions:

Why is the window a fixed size?

Why are the fonts a fixed size? (Part of the answer is, of course, to fit inside the fixed window, bit otherwise, why the limitations?)

If users could change these sizes, then those of us with eyesight difficulties could easily solve our problems.

Thank you.