Slow Boot; NU 16 Errors upon Boot Optimization

For no apparent reason, my computer began booting very slowly. It's a barely 6 mos. old HP-Envy desktop --- Windows 8 Pro w/Media Center 64-bit. NIS 20.


It starts a reboot, or restart, normally, led harddive indicater flashes for a few seconds, HP logo comes up, then the spinning wheel of dots begins and the led activity ceases -- inactivity for 5+ minutes [wheel keeps spinning] --- then, the harddrive kicks in, led light flashes, and it boots to the Lock Screen. From there on in, computer runs just fine ... until the next reboot.


I have run drive scans, malware scans, defrags. Nothing works. Was on the phone with HP and they did a clean boot. Nothing. Ran 4-5 hours worth of HP hardware tests. All passed. On the phone another day with HP, gave him remote access, he did another clean boot .... ran tests ... ended up reinstalling windows. Problem persissts.


I installed Norton Utilities 16 and ran scans and boot optimization. Nothing seems to work. During the boot opt., there were lines & lines of WARNINGS! on a black screen just scrolling along one after another ... most had long strings of letters & numbers. One line stuck out and it said something to the effect that another operation had control of the file pagefile.sys.

 Here's my disk management screen shot. I don't know what to do.


Disk Management.jpg