Slow Mac

After installing Norton Anti Virus on my iMac everything slowed down to a complete crawl.   Everything about my operating system was immediately sluggish.  I searched the Norton community for three hours trying to find a solution and there is virtually nothing posted.   It infuriates me when a company sells software and then does not have any relevant threads on their support forum for such a basic question.   Clearly, they are filtering these threads out.    Even worse, for what threads they do leave on the forum, the only answers are by other users....that is, very few responses by an actual Norton expert.   Or the Norton experts respond back with a completely helpful one-liner such as...."Are you sure you don't have something else on your computer that could be slowing it down?"     How unhelpful is that????

Finally, in frustration, I removed Norton anti-virus and my machine is back to being instantly responsive.   

Now I get to search for a new solution....getting a REFUND!!!!