Slowness on Intranet pages


One more frustrating thing about NOF (and I see this PC is been updated to is how slow Intranet pages load. 192.168.1.x pages on the local area network. Things like the home pages of the router and wireless access points.

Typically when I'm on one of these pages, it's because I need to troubleshoot a problem. ASAP.

So it's beyond infuriating for me to have to wait 3 minutes for the home page of the router to load. And this from the unmonitored Administrator account!

When is the slowness of NOF ever since version 2.9 going to be addressed???

I see there is an option when I right click on the NOF icon in the taskbar to "Disable Norton Family", but it is greyed out.

How can I temporarily disable Norton Family when I need to troubleshoot a network problem, short of removing it completely??
