It appears I am at the final step of Installing Norton Internet Security (Running package scripts) and it states "Install time remaining: About a minute" ... but it's been on this screen for the last hour (no exaggeration). There doesn't appear to be a way to cancel out of it safely or not sure how much more long I should wait.
I was having upgrade issues with Snow Leopard so I just wiped the drive and installed Snow Leopard directly instead of upgrading via clean install so nothing else is on this drive except Snow Leopard and Norton Internet Security (or at least partially). I have no issues zapping the system again but I'd really prefer to have this running before Monday as I don't feel comfortable installing anything until I've got Norton Internet Security running first. I'll test whatever the Norton Devs have to get passed this point and get the software installed.
Israel Torres
PS I tried to post a screenshot but it appears that only .txt and .log files are allowed so I renamed the attachment to "Screen Shot (png).txt"