Just got a pop-up message to that Software Updater was now available - but isn't. In the Device Security drop down menu it is missing. I have done a full live update and done a Norton update check. All OK but nothing has changed. I am on Windows 10
As long as it just shows what it thinks is out of date so we can check via the manufacturer site.
Driver Booster was shocking at updating software with the wrong files forcing a rollback.
If what I posted above about Norton finding issues with the feature is correct, they are not going to give a timeline on the full release because they do not know how long it will take to fix things. As they think it is fixed, it starts the phased release process again, until it is deemed ready to be fully released.
Same for me. I do not have the software updater option either. I have run LU numerous times, have rebooted numerous times and no luck. So Norton announced this feature a month ago I believe but I have yet to receive it via LU. Seems that this is missing for many. It would be helpful if Norton would post an announcement regarding this feature and expected roll out. It was said it was going to be throttled but I've not seen anything not even the pop-up others have mentioned I have Fast Start-up disabled by the way so that's not preventing updates. I am windows 10, Norton 360 Premium ver
In which case the popup message, issued to everyone it seems, is inappropriate and should have only been issued when the feature was released to their build.
True. But it is also possible that the update that provided that message was superseded by another update soon after when Norton found problems with the feature from their telemetry. That second update would have disable the feature.
In which case the popup message, issued to everyone it seems, is inappropriate and should have only been issued when the feature was released to their build.
The phased release does not check for OS version. What happens is that the update servers will allow a certain number of downloads with a specific feature and then halt that feature update. Norton then checks the telemetry they get from those users to see if there are any problems. If there are problems, Norton can leave the existing installs, or it can disable the feature if the problems are severe. If not, the feature is released to a few more users, and monitored. This goes on until Norton is sure the feature is ready for prime time.
As we are seeing issues reported with the feature, it could explain the wait we are all seeing before getting this new feature.
Seems like the common recurring element here is Windows 10. I have Windows 11 and have the software updater running on my device. Is Norton throttling the software updater on Windows 10 systems?
One thing I can say is that if you do not have it you are not missing anything since it is very spotty and error prone.
Me too. I am on Rebooted many times and no option for this has appeared. I am on 360 premium.
Same here, got the popup but not showing the updater as per some screenshots.
My PC has been rebooted many times since.
Also Win10.
All I can see is :
Scan Options
Manage Devices
Norton version
Software Updater is missing on my system, as well. I got a Norton Software Updater Control Data update through LiveUpdate, but so far have been unable to find the actual component anywhere, despite running LiveUpdate several times, rebooting, and running auto-fix.
Have you run LiveUpdate manually a few times, restarting as necessary, until no updates are available? Then restart again. Restarting, not shutdown and startup again if you have Windows Fast Startup feature enabled. If you use Windows 8/8.1 or 10, there can be an issue with the Windows Fast Startup feature.. See more information here.
Yes, restarted twice
Have you restarted your device?