Solution Found Re NIS sign out PC Vulnerability

HI, For Tony Weiss, I think I have solved this known issue…miracle…Believe me Please see my post , PC Vulnerability 2 or so posts before this one. Here is what work for me. After days of trying to sign out , I did it. I opened Norton Desktop program . Went to Advanced page, Web Protection , Identity safe. Logged into safe, without having to use Account PW, as I was stilled signed in. Then at the bottom of the ID Safe page I saw my email address with an orange circle icon to the left. Hit the down arrow to the right of my email address and a drop down box gave me the options to log out of the safe OR to Log Out of my Norton Account. I logged out of my account. The safe close. When I opened the program again, on my desktop, It said " Signed Out " at the top right. Hope this helps the known issue. It was a complete stroke of good luck. Thanks for all you do at Norton ., atHome34


Thanks for your informative message. I'm sure that @Tony_Weiss will appreciate it when he reads it.

Stay well and surf safe