Good morning everyone.
I would be very greatful for some advice from parent control users.
Does the app work as a VPN? can the app be 'Force Stopped' and VPN turned off without you being notified. (This is how Netgear Orbi Parent controls is being bypassed and there is no notification for weeks that this is happening which isnt good enough which is why im looking at Nrton, hoping it will be more robust)
Is the parent notified if the parent controls are 'switched off' Not sure how they can be but im sure it can be.
Can Apps be blocked like phone settings in android as we all know children are extremely good at accessing things and turning things on or off.
What is everyones personal reviews on the Noron Parental controls. If good, i will make the jump and get good internet protection with it too.
The end goal is to teach a child, but unfortunately my just turned teenager knows best and somethings they just shouldnt be exposed to certain things. Id like to be able to view a site 1st and talk to him in an adult way without him having to sneak around the controls. With netgear i dont find out for weeks & sometimes months and by then its too late, i then become the bad person in his life. I am hoping Nortan can alert me instantly and I can talk about these things as they happen.
Thank you, and correct I did recieve the notification. There is a slight delay but I did get it so I am pleased.
Thank you for your help.
Blocked sites will be notified as alerts to parents. In the Android app, You can see them under the Alerts tab in the bottom navigation bar.
Please refer to this article to see alerts on various platforms.
To answer your other question, we have more control over Norton Browser than Chrome. So, it is recommended to use Norton Browser.
Norton Family Team
I have installed the app and so far it works great.
When I have blocked certain sites, Reddit for example. If i go onto Reddit on child device (android) Norton family blocks it as it should. But i dont get notified that its been attempted. Should I?
Also, can you advise if Google Chrome is just as safe to use or is Norton Browser safer.
Thanks for reaching out to Norton Family Forum.
Norton Family Android app does not use VPN approach. We instead use the device's accessibility and other native permissions to monitor your child's device activities. Also, kindly note that parents will be notified in case the child tampers with permission.
To answer your other question, the Settings app also can be blocked using "App Supervision".
Please refer to this help article for more details on all features.
Please refer to this article to setup the Norton Family Android app on your child's device.
Norton Family Team