Some advise please on Norton Manaegement R & R with NIS with a Local Vault

First of all, sorry for the long story prior to getting to my question, but I feel it is important to know where I stand on this prior to giving an answer.


This is the system I just entered a new key in and all was running well for  a few days, shut it off for about 5 days and fired it up this AM.   Ran a manual Liveupdate - all went well and then I recevied an email saying my laptop was at risk.


Norton Management tells me my laptop running Vista computer's protection is at risk.


NIS 2014 v shows Green all the way.


Action center in Vista shows all protection from Norton is on and functioning.


Date and time are correct and the remaining days show the correct number.


So far I have removed the device via the trash can associated with the "remove device" and tried to add the device back in.  I was expecting it to pick up the already installed NIS and add it back to Norton Management.  Instead it offered to download NIS. 


At this point I checked Programs & Features and NIS was still installed, so I decided to let it do it's thing thinking it would releize at a later time that NIS was already installed. 


It ran for about a minute and said the install was completed.  NIS was still green all the way and it still showed the correct number of days left.


I then did a subscription check and it found my "trial install outdated" (?) and asked for a key.  I went ahead and entered the new key that I had just installed with 9 days ago thinking that perhaps Norton Managment had not been updated - although I had checked and the key shown in both Norton Account and Norton Management for the laptop showed the recently installed key for the new license.  It accepted it and put the laptop back into Norton Management - along with the computer protection at risk warning.


I have rebooted about 4 times along the way, with no change.


I still have both Local and Online Vault available on this system and really do not want to risk losing the Local Vault.


I have thought about removing Norton Managment from the laptop and then reinstalling it as my next step, however,  can someone please confirm that removing Norton Management via Control Panel and reinstalling it will not in anyway affect my NIS install?  Of course I am assuming I can remove it without removing NIS as it is not part of NIS??  There is a separate entry in Control Panel for Norton Management.


Any other suggestions appreciated.