Some links work on flash player page and others are inactive/disabled

I'm using latest version of flash player. My son does homeschooling via K12 online school system. The online application flash player application has links throughout. There are links that are active - as you scroll over you can see the mouse pointer change. And there are links that when you scroll over them don't change mouse pointer - inactive or disabled? I've searched all over and can't seem to find how to get these links to work. Much of the homeschooling curriculum is dependent on these links as you can imagine. I've disabled Norton firewall/anti-virus and no success. I'm on Windows Vista using IE8 using flash player 10. I have Norton 360 V3. Flash player seems to work fine with most other apps, it's just these certain links in k12 online curriculum system that seem to be inactive/disabled. We need to get around this, and not fall behind in the schooling, so any help would be tremendously appreciated. Thanks.

Try this:
Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools, and run Services as Administrator (right click, run as admin). In the services list find Norton 360, and double click on it. On the new window click on Stop. It will close all 360 services.
Now test the flash application again. If it works OK, it was 360 causing the trouble. On the services window click on Start to run 360 again, and open it's main window. In the settings go to Firewall -> Program Rules, and find iexplore.exe. Set it to allow, and test the page again.
If the page do not work when 360 is down, we have to try something else.... Try to install Firefox or Opera, and test page with them too.
If you get the same result with the other browsers too, then something is on the server side, and they have to fix the flash application to work properely.

I stopped 360 services and retried and same problem. I tried firefox the other browser supported by k12 and still same problem. I called k12 support and they recommended disabling Norton and contacting my ISP to see if any filtering is done on their part. ISP states no filtering or firewalling happening. I tried reverting to explorer 7 and flash player9 with firewall/anti-virus off and still same problem. Interesting thing is that we did not have this problem last year using same laptop. Problem is I’m not sure what system changes have taken place since then. So I’m considering doing a clean install of OS and starting over with laptop. A pain, but I feel I’ve exhausted options. Thanks for your help.

Do you have an other machine (desktop or laptop)? If yes, is 360 installed on that one too? You should check the page with that too.
If not, can you ask a friend to try the page without and with norton?
Let us know the results.

I made one more attempt last night and finally - success! I found to have flash player pages have all links work, you cannot have Norton 360 even start at boot-up. My understanding was that while Norton was running I could go to services and disable and this would fix problem. What I’ve noticed is that even though Norton 360 services can be stopped, it’s influence has already kicked off in flash player workings. So I’ve changed my Norton service setting to manual then reboot - Norton will then not start up at reboot. Then I can use flasplayer page and have all links on it work with Norton totally disabled from startup. It’s a bit unnerving to not have Norton 360 services running during session - but am hoping that Norton will fix this bug soon. In the meantime, I will have Windows defender and firewall up during flash player page session. Just glad I got a workaround for the meantime. Means my son can get back to homeschooling and stay on track! Thanks for your feedback.

Message Edited by sammyboy00 on 08-06-2009 08:31 AM