Some more executables from STEAM that seem to be triggering Norton 360

Hello once again,

Recently perusing through my Norton security logs and found that N360 was picking up on a couple of more STEAM entries:

C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\the leisure of grisaia\grisaiaano1.exe


C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\princess evangile\Evangile.exe


Norton picked these up as Heur.AdvML.B.  This time, I did not do the extra step of submitting these samples directly to Symantec (like I did with Lucy, The Eternity She Wished For).  I guess I’m going on trust that they are safe, hopefully.  I temporarily quenched my Norton program, re-downloaded the exe’s for the abovementioned, then, created a series of exclusions in the Norton program so that they would not be picked up again. 

