Some of the most dangerous areas of the Web

In a recent unsolicited message, a shortened link was provided.  After discovering the full path of that (see my review on Safe Web) i did even more research to find out more.  That search revealed some more questionable domains that perhaps Symantec should look into further:

In the above, from past precedent, links with “word salad” were never any good.  Title in Korean, goes into “toaster ovens” to “beach hotels” then, the rest of the message is in Spanish.  What i have seen with things of this nature is that they will use certain “buzz words” just to lure the prospective people that they are trying to target and go under the radar of everyone else.  I also don’t like the fact that Safe Web is not up-to-speed with that domain, note the gray question mark.  Could have all manner of threats waiting to be unleashed.

I also found this one:

Putting aside the odd title, seems to be going into “cheap Chanel handbags”.  For security reasons i won’t name names, however, we used to have a great reviewer on Safe Web who would pin down these fraudulent handbag sites.  From the looks of it, this looks to be one of them.  Then, mysteriously, it starts going into a “oneasianlove” domain.  Just highly questionable if you ask me, and, perhaps Norton should re-think that green OK stamp of approval…

