Norton Autofix started and has a repair result of "SONAR definitions" failed; Open Support Web Site for further assistance.
How do I fix this?
Norton Autofix started and has a repair result of "SONAR definitions" failed; Open Support Web Site for further assistance.
How do I fix this?
gbowles Please mark the thread as solved if you are certain you have a solution. Thanks and have a great day!!
It appears that you had some sort of conflict with Live-Updates installing. The newest version is up to which requires a reboot. Then there is one or two additional small updates after. You should be good to go from this point forward. Have a great evening.
Norton Security and Windows 7 Home Premium. Norton did a restart on the computer and the message has not returned. Do I have anything to worry about now?
gbowles What Norton product do you have installed and what operating system are you using? Thanks.