Last night I restarted my Windows 8 computer and Windows Update began to run. This surprised me because my settings are to notify of new updates but not to install them
The update showed "Installing Updates" and then it said "Cleaning Up." I have never seen "Cleaning Up" on a Windows Update message before. My hard drive ran continuously for several minutes and I became alarmed and shut off the PC. When I restarted it, the Windows Update completed. I then checked the Windows Update screen to see what had installed and it said the last update was January 21, 2014, NOT Feburary 9, 2014.
I ran NIS Complete Disk Scan (found nothing), then ran Norton Power Eraser (found "pictureshare" directory to be a risk and removed it)
I am concerned my PC is infected with a stealth virus. Has anyone experienced this before? If yes, was it determine a virus caused the "Cleaning Up" message during Windows Update?