I scanned 11000000+ files with standard trust in approx 13 hours. Immediately after i tried the scan again to see if the bulk of these would be skipped as cached. they were not. After numerous attempts i reset the configuration to default on that section and scanned again. After another 13 hour scan(which NIS must consider a new scan) a second scan finally skipped many many file and completed much quicker. This scenario has occurred a few times while i am comparing NIS 2009 to kaspersky. When the caching works NIS is faster. Otherwise it is much slower. I saw an earlier post which suggested reset to default as a remedy. I just got off a chat with symantec–Arvindrah. He was no help at all and told me this is normal and i have to reset to default. That makes no sense–whe your proggie is configured that should be it. Can someone shed some light on why it is so difficult to get a fast followup scan . BTW Kaspersky was able to do it’s followup scans in approx 3 hours when it was on my PC. And NIS 2009 was quicker when it worked. I have Q6700 with 4gb ram so the pc should handle this and it does when NIS is working after a reset to default.