Star Trek Online Beta exe file; Norton detects threat

G:\games\cryptic studios\star trek online\live\crypticerror.exe  is the location


A program was behaving suspiciously detected by SONAR.


currently this file is Quarrantined; I originally checked these boards for this problem, then went to Star Trek Online forums to see if anyone else has this problem and the answer is yes.  Ironically I installed this client January 17th 2010 though for this particular file I am unsure.  This MMO game was recently patched so it couldve came then (Friday) but anyways Cryptic studios hasnt made any comments and someone else said to get a hold of Symantec so here I am.


I was wondering what we can do about this or if this file would be fixed by launch of STO (Feb 2nd 2010) ?  Thanks