Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
I'm on a Toshiba 17" Laptop (2005) running Win XP SP3, and using NIS 2008, GHOST 14 and NSW 2005.
Been using GHOST 14 for about 4 mos. Seems OK.
But, now my Ext. HDD "Backup Destination" (Maxtor USB2, 80 GB) is getting towards full. And, anyway, I'd just like to "start over" with a Full System "base" Backup.
So... how do I "start over"? Mostly, this issue is how do I get rid of all the recovery points (rp's - base and incrementals) out there on my Ext HDD? [BTW, I have read the Chapter12 User Guide on this, and the Help files. Am I being stupid (again -- it's been known to happen)?]
Can't rember exact details, but I'm pretty sure that in the past, I've tried the "Manage Backup Destination" Tool, and tried "Delete" of *all* the "Recovery Points." But, although the rp's were gone, that didn't remove it from the Ext HDD??
I'm unwilling to try this again, now -- since if it didn't work (as last time), I'd be w/o a System Backup -- yet Ext HDD still full.
Simply using Windows delete for the rp's on the Ext HDD probably wouldn't work ("System Files," etc?). Besides, even if you could do a delete, it would take a *long* time to remove such a large amount of data.
On my prior efforts to "start over," and free up space on the Ext HDD, I've just reformatted it. Surely ("stop calling me Shirley") there's a better way?
[A "related" issue? Now (for maybe past few months) my Ext. HDD no longer shows up on my GHOST "Home" page -- just a big blank area in the lower left corner where a "pie-chart" colored disk used to be displayed -- showing used and free space.
Also... if I click on "Manage Backup Destination" (the Ext HDD) from the "Tools" page, it gives me the message: "This destination is currently unavailable." Yet... when I click OK, it does gives me the "Manage Backup Destination" menu/box anyway.
But, on this menu/box, the graphic showing the Ext HDD has it as solid blue (all "used"). Yet "My Computer" shows it as ~ 20GB still free.
And, if I click on the Recovery Point Set, the "Delete" option is available -- but everything else is "gray-ed out".
Hmmm. Reinstall GHOST??]
Appreciate any help.
Kind Regards,
Hi Robert,
It seems like the problems come from Norton Ghost 14 interacting (or not) with your External HDD. What are the details of this drive? Do you create a nickname for it within Ghost? I apologize for the questions; I want to be sure we understand this situation. Any more details on the back job you are trying to delete is also appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Tony,
Tks for reply.
The Ext HDD is just a plain old vanilla Maxtor 80GB USB2 drive. No mods or anything, AFAIK. Just hooked it up straight to my USB port. No "nicknames" etc, in GHOST.
The backup jobs out on the Ext HDD are a 32GB "base" recovery point and 13 or so "incremental" recovery points (ranging from ~0.5GB to 2.3GB).
I haven't tried to delete these current rp's yet. My experience in having GHOST *not* delete recovery points (on the Ext HDD) was on my first try with GHOST -- around July 2008. Actually,GHOST did delete them -- just didn't free up any HD space.
Tony, I'm thinking that -- given the "weird" displays GHOST is giving (no icons for the HD, etc) [see my original post] -- that I should just re-install GHOST, first. Then see if the "no delete" problem occurs again. If it does I'll re-post, and maybe we can try and diagnose the problem.
Appreciate the help.
Kind Regards,
Tony, et al, --problem solved (mostly):
I reinstalled GHOST 14 (used my CD for this, "saved past settings," etc) and everything seems to be OK, now.
Using GHOST, I was able to delete all the prior Recovery Point sets, and this -- indeed -- freed-up space on my Ext HDD ("Destination" Drive). Didn't have to reformat it. Yea!
There was still about 7GB out there, though, after the RP set delete. So, I went in and deleted my "Folder and File" recovery points. This left only a little sliver of space on the Ext HDD, that was used, of about 500MB. Don't know what that is, but not a big deal.
Also, after the re-install, I got back the display of the "disk icons" that GHOST shows of the "Backup Destination" -- as well as being able to properly access "Manage Backup Destination," from the Tools Menu, etc.
Did a new full, System Recovery Point set, and all went well. Much faster than prior one -- only about 25 minutes (80GB Source Drive). Prior one was about 1hr, I think.
Don't know exaclty what caused all my problems, to begin with. But, I have an idea it was the (2) pretty bad viruses I got over the last several months. [How did they get *past* NIS 2008??]
Suspect these viruses tried to "attack" GHOST, so that it wouldn't be able to do a System Recovery. But, viruses weren't able to fully disable GHOST -- just "dinged" it a little.
The viruses were, however, able to wipe out the Windows "System Restore" feature. So... they did have some "punch" to 'em.
Appreciate the help.
Kind Regards,
Well, thanks anyway.
Looks like I'm on my own, for this one.
Kind Regards,