State of the Forums

Hi folks,

Our team has been hard at work fixing the issues you've seen on the Norton Community. I appreciate your patience during this very stressful time. I know change is hard, and learning new processes can be frustrating. I am grateful to have such an understanding group. I wanted to share some of the progress we've made on the community, and show you the things we're working on. I'll update the status of the problems that we are still working to fix as they get resolved.


- Indent button does not add indents to post (edited Sept 24, 2015)
- See who clicked Me Too on a post (edited Sept 24, 2015)
- Allow users to jump to last post in thread (Edited April 30, 2015)
- User Account merging (between the different community languages) (Edited April 30, 2015)
- Add "edited" information to OP or replies, along with date and time of edit (edited March 10, 2015)
- Add breadcrumbs (Home > Forums > Category > Board) to the bottom of threads (edited March 10, 2015)
- See who gave Kudos to a post (edited Feb 11, 2015)
- Include pagination links at top of thread (added below OP) (edited Feb 11, 2015)
- Delete autosave draft once user clicks "Save" (edited Dec 2, 2014)
- Images remain unmoderated (edited Nov 10, 2014)
- Notification emails sent for content that is not published (e.g. staged Blog posts or announcements) (edited Nov 6, 2014)
- Links in subscription emails go to 1st post in thread (only seen for threads that span multiple pages) (edited Nov 6, 2014)
- Added ">>" (jump to last page) and "<<" (jump to first page) links for threads with multiple pages (edited Nov 6, 2014)
- "Number of posts" on categories, boards and mini user profiles (seen on threads) changed to OP + Replies (edited Nov 4, 2014)
- On Chrome 38, previewing a message results in a blank screen (edited Nov 4, 2014)
- Autosubscribe (Account > Edit > "Automatically subscribe me to all topics I participate in") functions correctly
- Fixed error 503 when attempting to access account
- Replies in threads are now in Chronological Order, despite editing or inline-replies (NOTE: threads that existed prior to the fix cannot be re-sorted. This is fixed for new threads and new edits)
- Autosave drafts feature added
- Quoting a post adds the quoted user's name to the quote box (NOTE: it make take a few days for you to see it. javascript cache must be cleared first)
- Kudos transferred from old community
- "Entire board" subscriptions allow for both "original post (OP)" and "OP+ replies" subscriptions
- Default sort for Board is "latest post or reply"


- Adding kudos or clicking Subscribe messes with the "time to edit" display
- Add Macros, image upload, and Quote functionality to mobile layout
- Allow user to see her/his unapproved image when previewing a post
- Delete autosave draft once user clicks "Save"
- Allow use of uploaded images as avatars
- "Mark all as read" leaves posts unread
- "Search" lists only OPs, though occasionally the results are threads that contain replies with the search terms
- Replies not appearing after posting; must logout/login again to see post
- notification emails sent for all translations of subscribed content (e.g. Announcement blog articles translated in all 5 forum languages)

I think those are the ones being reported on the Community. There are certainly more things being worked on: some admin functionality, some fixes to translations and terms, and performance improvements. But I think this covers the major issues. If there is a critical issue that you think should be included, and you don't see it listed, please reply with that information. A list of steps to reproduce, along with screenshots are always helpful. So is the OS and browser, along with versions. Thanks!