Still Waiting for Windows Smartphone Support

I realize that Windows Smartphone users are a very small percentage of mobile phone users, but the lack of support for Windows Smartphones affects our use of Norton Security on our Windows desktops, laptops and tablets. For instance, I can not use Norton Identity Safe on any of my devices because it would require a separate application on my Windows Smartphones if I did. Instead, I use "LastPass" since they have a product that is supported on all platforms. If I add or change a password on one of my other computers, the change is synchronized on all devices within seconds. I would rather use Identity Safe on all devices but can't, since Norton does not support Windows Smartphones and I don't plan to change to any other Smartphones unless Windows drops theirs. I tried the other two leading platforms and found them both to be grossly inferior to Windows Smartphones. 

peterweb; thank you for your suggestion. I had checked before and just checked again and there is nothing in the Windows Store for Norton. I did a thorough search of the Norton website prior to posting my comments.

Who knows; Microsoft may solve the problem for the few of us that have been loyal to Windows Mobile and drop out of the mobile arena. Time will tell.

I know that Norton Mobile Security is not supported for Windows Mobile. And if you search, you will find that there are no real AV products for that OS as the OS runs apps in a sandboxed mode, so no malware can attack the OS.

Have you checked to see if there is a Norton Identity Safe app in the Windows Mobile Store? There is a stand alone app for PCs and Android. 

A stand alone version of Identity Safe might be a good suggestion for the Product Suggestions board