Stop The SPAM on Safe Web!

Spamming on Safe Web has increased. Norton needs to fine a way to stop the Spam or the reputation of Safe Web will go down hill. A good example of Spamming on Safe Web is a member that has over 12+ accounts on Safe Web and has no context to his reviews (Murray Choran). This is not the only person Spamming Safe Web, there are others. So how about it Norton, find a way to Stop The SPAM on Safe Web.

Safe Web Spam 1.png

Another Spammer - bridget s  Please Block Her Account and remove spam.

She is Sex spamming on the comments of Guillaume 1024  Reviews:

Found many more Spams by bridget s:



Not looking good Norton. Symantec needs to find a way to stop the spammers on Safe Web. This morning the 4 active users:

Murray Choran Active Users 4 on May 10-16.GIF