Subscription for NIS

This is not a question about functionality; more about pricing policy. I looked up the prices today 22-09-2012 and have screen shots.

The price for a new product in Australia is on two norton web pages, one is $99, one is $70. On another, the cost of NIS renewal is $80. Why are you charging $80 i.e. $10 more for renewal than a new product on one page and $99 i.e. $20 more on another page???

NIS is $50 in the US. Why are you charging $20, $30 and $50 more in Australia than the US???

40 % or 60 % or 100 % price difference!!! Depending on where you go.

Please let me know if I have posted in the wrong area. Hopefully my document is clearer than my text to explain what I mean...