Hey Guys,
I have successfully used Norton Ghost on my Dell XPS Notebook since about 2 years. About 2 weeks ago, there were some problems with my DVD-Drive and I had to get a new one and therefore deleted and reinstalled the driver of the Serial ATA Controller, because the dell support told me to. Everything seemed to work fine again after that. I guess (but dont know for sure, since i noticed some days later) its since then that norton ghost recognizes all (external and internal) drives suddenly as being hidden and with no drive letter. The strange thing is: Windows XP, chkdsk and all Partition tools tell me everything is perfectly alright (and there the volumes have drive letters). I tried the partinfo.exe of utilites, it shows no errors in partition but says that the OS reports no volumes (!! see attachement) Of course I also tried Ghost Live Update, but nothing helps. Any Ideas what might help me?
Thanx in Advance,