Suddenly Low Hard Disk Space ,Is It Backup?

I installed Norton 360 some time ago.I remember that either it asked me if I want backup or not or it did it by itself.I remember having some 50 GB free of hard disk then afterwards having 30 GB free.I don't remember which was first.Suddenly today the computer tells me that I have low hard disk space so I check & find out I have only 140 MB although I didn't download anywhere near that much.Then when I checked the hard disk & then exited it the space was about 800 MB although I did nothing so why is it fluctuating like this?I checked how much space Norton Backup was taking & it was some 50 GB so is it from the backup?How can I delete the backup?


I have windows 7 & my disk space is 230 GB.

Hi Daisky.


Are you saying that N360 is putting your backup onto your C: drive and that you really don't want it?


Is there a folder in the root of your C: drive called N360_BACKUP?  If so, how large is it?


If you do not want to disable N360 backup just on a temporary basis, so that it does make things any worse and until this can be sorted out then - open N360; click on "Settings" on the top line; and then uncheck the "Backup" box on the right (it should be the fourth down.


Do you have any other form of backup?


I look forward to hearing back from you.

Norton 360 is putting the backup on my C: drive.There is a folder on my C: drive called N360_BACKUP & it is 59.6 GB.I don't know what Norton back up is used for .I download movies ,TV series ,magazines , comics among other things & I save them (for backup)on an external hard disk.I used to burn them on DVDs.Is Norton Back up necessary?How can I delete or revoke it?By the way when I click on Norton Backup drive it gives me "defaultSet on C:" & when I click on it it gives me "C:" then "User" then another "User" then" Norton 360 An error occured while loading catalog" & I click ok so that it goes.

Hi Daisky.


If you are confident that all you want to save is safely copied somewhere off your computer then you probably do not need a Norton type backup.  But if you do not need a Norton type backup, why are you using N360?  The backup feature is one of the main features that differentiates N360 from Norton Internet Security which you can probably get for a lower price.  Just a thought for the future when your license comes up for renewal.


As for "what does it do" - well it takes copies of files that you have selected and saves them in a place you have selected.  However if you have choose not to select a set of files or a location then it makes a best guess and does it for you.  In your case it has decided to put the backup onto your C: drive probably because it could find no other option.  Putting a backup onto the C: drive is not normally a good choice but if it had no options...


Well, to get you out of your current problem with lack of drive space, and hearing that you think you have no need for N360 backup, I suggest that we get rid of the N360 backup and free up a lot of space.


First open N360 and then select "Settings" from the top bar.  On the right of the next screen ensure that the boxes next to "Backup" and "Backup Status Overlays" are unchecked (i.e. do not have ticks in them).  Then close down the N360 screens.  Next, open up Windows Explorer and find the N360_BACKUP directory on your C: drive and delete the whole directory.  This may take a while but just let the computer run until all the files and the folders are gone - and you should have an extra 59.6 GB to play with.   It may warn that it is too large to put into the Recycle bin but do not worry - you do not want it.


If you have any problems or questions let us know, and in any case please come back and let us know how you get on.


All the best.

Hi Andmike


This is the first time I use Norton 360.Before that I used to use the regular Norton Internet Security.It was my father who bought it.They told him that it was better than the regular Norton so he & I thought that it may give better protection.


I did what you told me & now I have about 60GB free.Thank you very much.It only took a few seconds to delete however in "My Computer" there is first the "Hard disk drives" & under that the "Devices with removable storage" & under that the "Other".Under "Other" there is "Nero Scout" & "Norton Backup Drive" so why didn't the Norton Backup Drive get deleted?Is there a way to get rid of it?


By the way do you have any idea why the free space on my Hard drive was fluctuating from 140MB to 900 MB to 600MB although I didn't delete anything back then?

Hi Daisky.


Glad that worked.


I would not worry about "Norton Backup Drive" as it was just a way of looking at the data.  I am fairly sure that if you reboot your machine it will either not be there or it will probably be empty.  Either way it will at most be taking up a bit of screen space when you look at that view.  I don't think it will really be taking up any disk space.


As to why you had those other fluctuations - sorry no idea.


By the way, you obviously have a good dad, but maybe he did not get the best advice.  :smileywink:

Thank you very much Andmike for the help.The "Norton Backup Drive" icon has disappeared from under "Other" when I rebooted my computer.By the way doesn't Norton 360 provide better protection from viruses & spyware than the regular Norton? 

Hi Daisky.


Glad the reboot sorted things out finally.  :smileyhappy:


N360 and Norton Internet Security have exactly the same anti virus capabilities I believe.  The difference is that N360 offers some other non malware features such as backup.  If you want to compare N360, Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti Virus  you might like to look at this link.


All the best.

I installed Norton 360 some time ago.I remember that either it asked me if I want backup or not or it did it by itself.I remember having some 50 GB free of hard disk then afterwards having 30 GB free.I don't remember which was first.Suddenly today the computer tells me that I have low hard disk space so I check & find out I have only 140 MB although I didn't download anywhere near that much.Then when I checked the hard disk & then exited it the space was about 800 MB although I did nothing so why is it fluctuating like this?I checked how much space Norton Backup was taking & it was some 50 GB so is it from the backup?How can I delete the backup?


I have windows 7 & my disk space is 230 GB.