We need a thread for posting suggestions for the next version of 2011.
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We need a thread for posting suggestions for the next version of 2011.
Respond either to this post to start a new suggestion not already given;
or "reply" to a suggestion already given if you want to continue that discussion.
When NIS finishes an idle scan and has found some threat, a pop-up appears to inform the user of this fact.
However, there are some threats that when discovered need immediate attention; and some that can be totally ignored.
The pop-up should say something like:
The Idle Scan has found
risks of the following levels:
Some Low threats
no Medium threats
Some High Threats
Click for more Info
We need a thread for posting suggestions for the next version of 2011.
Respond either to this post to start a new suggestion not already given;
or "reply" to a suggestion already given if you want to continue that discussion.
mijcar wrote:We need a thread for posting suggestions for the next version of 2011.
Respond either to this post to start a new suggestion not already given;
or "reply" to a suggestion already given if you want to continue that discussion.
Message Edited by mijcar on 11-16-2009 07:13 PM
mijcar wrote:When NIS finishes an idle scan and has found some threat, a pop-up appears to inform the user of this fact.
However, there are some threats that when discovered need immediate attention; and some that can be totally ignored.
The pop-up should say something like:
The Idle Scan has found
risks of the following levels:
Some Low threats
no Medium threats
Some High Threats
Click for more Info
And please don't catagorize tracking cookies as a threat!!! They simply cause unnesssary worry and anxiaty. Now I only know which "threats" are found during idle time scan if I go into the reports.
Wikipedian wrote:
mijcar wrote:We need a thread for posting suggestions for the next version of 2011.
Respond either to this post to start a new suggestion not already given;
or "reply" to a suggestion already given if you want to continue that discussion.
Message Edited by mijcar on 11-16-2009 07:13 PM
- Extend Safe Web to Google images and other images search.
- Make NIS09 lighter
- Improve heuristic
- Include "Non transpiracy" mode for Win7
- Make NIS work with 64 bit os's!!!!!!!
- Remove "advertising" features like the vunerable protection link and the monthly report
Wiki (and others),
I'd suggest just one major suggestion per post. That way people could respond to that particular suggestion and the staff can get a feel for the response. Putting them all together like this means there will be a lot of disagreement and agreement about different items, and after awhile no one will know which suggestion the thread is about.
Hi mijcar:
Perhaps these posts should be considered for the 2010 product.
More like "corrections" to me.
mijcar wrote:We need a thread for posting suggestions for the next version of 2011.
Respond either to this post to start a new suggestion not already given;
or "reply" to a suggestion already given if you want to continue that discussion.
Message Edited by mijcar on 11-16-2009 07:13 PM
I am not a techie....
But would like to suggest
1) NIS2011 is to have portable mode for Norton IdentitySafe, whereby Identity Safe is "an indenpent" feature of NIS. Users can save encrypted information on USB thumb drive and be able to use in ALL machines, regardless whether NIS is installed.
Also, higher 256 or above encryption with Keyfiles for more security.
2) Get rid of OPTIMIZE in NIS....kind of confusing to have it.
I will include some other feature that I wished to be available later.....
mijcar wrote:We need a thread for posting suggestions for the next version of 2011.
Respond either to this post to start a new suggestion not already given;
or “reply” to a suggestion already given if you want to continue that discussion.
Message Edited by mijcar on 11-16-2009 07:13 PM
1) Improve in releasing of version updates. Right now, if there is any release of version updates, ALL users keep asking about when updates are available (me…included).
Symentec should find a way to release the testing of updates not via the Community Forum, but maybe via Private Message to the testing individual. Or informed via Norton Websites that a “test” update is available and users will need to update using CHECK UPDATES…instead of LiveUpdates.
So, not to use LiveUpdates for release of TEST updates, only on official release, users can have option of LU or Check Updates.
2) XP users who performed manual scanning, NIS has a menu appeared, and it cannot be minimized to system tray. Only to task tray. Minimizing to system tray and able to have ANIMATED ICONs on System tray. With different types of ANIMATION for different types of feature.
For #2. Since I only have XP, I am not too sure if those features are available for Vista or Win 7.
Easier access to virus and malware information within the front menu of NIS.
I mentioned years ago, NIS should include dates, names, release versions of LiveUpdates patches, malwares names, dates, threat levels, Pattern Files available on the first page of NIS menu.
The above information should also be readily available on the Norton Website (not hidden).
** Of course, this feature is Not Applicable to NIS2011…I just thought it should be included in this thread**
Sea_Monster wrote:
Easier access to virus and malware information within the front menu of NIS.
I mentioned years ago, NIS should include dates, names, release versions of LiveUpdates patches, malwares names, dates, threat levels, Pattern Files available on the first page of NIS menu.
The above information should also be readily available on the Norton Website (not hidden).
** Of course, this feature is Not Applicable to NIS2011...I just thought it should be included in this thread**
Bad idea to include on the "front" page. Makes NIS too messy.... Maybe in "reports" be will be a better place of this information. Although I doubt this information is helpful for the "average" user.
Make NIS lighter (currently the "report" feature takes up to 20 seconds to completely load up. For more information of this issue see: http://community.norton.com/norton/board/message?board.id=nis_feedback&thread.id=83267)
Make NIS work with 64 bit os's!!!!!!!
Improve heuristic
Definitly have Norton toolbar support for Opera & Google Chrome. I and im sure others want to fully switch from firefox or ie and use one of these 2. i wont switch until the toolbar is fully supported.
I dont know why some people are saying make it lighter. its already nice the way it is.
Improve heuristic scanning
Full 64 bit support!
Bring back System Works Standard
Free Version of NIS. No other AV company gives Internet Security for FREE. Go start for Norton.
Fat Chance !!! Maybe not.
Wikipedian wrote:
Sea_Monster wrote:
Easier access to virus and malware information within the front menu of NIS.
I mentioned years ago, NIS should include dates, names, release versions of LiveUpdates patches, malwares names, dates, threat levels, Pattern Files available on the first page of NIS menu.
The above information should also be readily available on the Norton Website (not hidden).
** Of course, this feature is Not Applicable to NIS2011...I just thought it should be included in this thread**Bad idea to include on the "front" page. Makes NIS too messy.... Maybe in "reports" be will be a better place of this information. Although I doubt this information is helpful for the "average" user.
Well, that is why we are paying SYMANTEC staff to THINK. I am below average user, but I am interested in the information.
KanNeeNaBu wrote:Free Version of NIS. No other AV company gives Internet Security for FREE. Go start for Norton.
Fat Chance !!! Maybe not.
Message Edited by KanNeeNaBu on 11-16-2009 10:34 PM
Yeah Right, I do not think Symantec folks are so genergous......
KanNeeNaBu wrote:Free Version of NIS. No other AV company gives Internet Security for FREE. Go start for Norton.
Fat Chance !!! Maybe not.
Message Edited by KanNeeNaBu on 11-16-2009 10:34 PM
Comodo is for free.
Norton is less buggy though.
Plankton wrote:
Hi mijcar:
Perhaps these posts should be considered for the 2010 product.
More like "corrections" to me.
I agree. I'd like to see some of these suggestions incorporated into the current NIS 2010 product, rather than waiting another year for the 2011 release.