Super Slow Interface

I guess all good things must come to an end. I have used Norton products since the '80's with Norton Utilities. For whatever reason, for the last six months or so, the Norton 360 interface has become extremely slow for mi W'11 HP laptop. This would continue for some time and then clear up, only to come back again. I finally got tired of it and did an R&R. No change. Did another' no change. I just timed one of the tasks I do each night, clearing out files. First, it's slow to get to the main menu. I went from the default to the Performance menu. That took about a minute. I clicked to get to the modules and that took 8 minutes to get to the cursor as a hand v an arrow. Interestingly, it works properly on my W'10 Lenovo laptop.

So, at the end of my subscription in 35 days, I will bid bye bye. I will miss it, but I have Malwarebytes and a good VPN (don' have time to rant about the Norton VPN) and I've heard that Windows Defender is not bad. I have seen that it updates very regularly. Hopefully I can get the Password Manager as a standalone, but there are alternatives there. It will just be a pain to change.

Norton 360

Windows 11 Home 22H2 22621.2361



1) I am also considering taking MBytes off the startup and invoking it after everything has loaded.
2) I spent many years in IT: 

1) Yes, that's how I run Malwarebytes on-demand. 
2) Regards w Respect

I always appreciate feedback. I may try mutual exclusions. I am also considering taking MBytes off the startup and invoking it after everything has loaded (PITA). Or now that I possibly have an easy fix for an infrequent, tho very very frustrating problem, I may just live with it and hope I don't have a senior moment if/when it happens again. I spent many years in IT: building PCs for clients back when we actually put chips on MBs by hand; creating DB apps for clients; network admin (multiple companies); Head of IT for an HMO; traveling technical advisor for a major consulting firm, etc. But sometimes things just stump me.


Yes, I run Malwarebytes real-time protection, I just don't have it register with WSC. It's working. Everything works fine 99% of the time. [...]  I have set up Norton exclusions in MBytes, not vice versa. As I said, it all works perfectly until it doesn't.

Well, if you decide to stick with Norton + Malwarebytes real-time. 
Maybe, run mutual exclusions.  Maybe, run Norton Boot Time Protection at Aggressive. 
Just my two cents.  

Yes, I run Malwarebytes real-time protection, I just don't have it register with WSC. It's working. Everything works fine 99% of the time. It just went off the rails a short time ago and it has happened before. I have no insight to why it happens very occasionally. Previously, it finally cured itself. This time I got it to work as I stated before. I'm hoping I remember how to fix it next time. I'm 82, so I'm not counting on it.


I have set up Norton exclusions in MBytes, not vice versa. As I said, it all works perfectly until it doesn't.

Thanks for the feedback and info.


Fixed the problem; don't know why it happened. I quit Malwarebytes and restarted Windows. After the restart, Malwarebytes was not started. I started Malwarebytes and it loaded. Tried Norton and everything worked as it should. All I can deduce is that Norton insists on being first. I have Malwarebytes set to NOT register in the Windows Security Center.

How it got to that state, I don't know. The only thing I can think of is that during a patch install, Norton got behind Malwarebytes. But I really don't know. But, it's fixed and hopefully I'll remember this fix when (not if) it happens again.

Are you running Malwarebytes real-time protection?  

Have you setup mutual exclusions?
(some say mutual exclusions are not needed - some say mutual exclusions are needed)

If you do not run Malwarebytes real-time protection => 

Fixed the problem; don't know why it happened. I quit Malwarebytes and restarted Windows. After the restart, Malwarebytes was not started. I started Malwarebytes and it loaded. Tried Norton and everything worked as it should. All I can deduce is that Norton insists on being first. I have Malwarebytes set to NOT register in the Windows Security Center.

How it got to that state, I don't know. The only thing I can think of is that during a patch install, Norton got behind Malwarebytes. But I really don;t know. But, it's fixed and hopefully I'll remember this fix when (not if) it happens again.

Thanks for the good will. It may be that, I'm not willing to give up MBytes or PIA, so 360 goes. Actually, it may not. I may get the Deluxe 3-user for around $40 and just let it sit there taking up memory, cpu, and disk.

In such cases the cause would likely be double Anti Virus program or VPN, but without more insight I can't tell.

Anyway Good Luck!

Thanks for the reply. Even tho they keep messing with Password Manager, I'd rather not have to go through the hassle of changing.

Yes, I have Malwarebytes, but have for years without this problem. It could be that some change to one of them, some W'11 update or an HP update changed some parameter that causes this. Regardless, I can't do anything with Norton as it takes forever just to change from one group to another and I get pissed. So, I'll dump it on my W'11. I may keep it on my W'10 and Android tablet, but will dump my Norton-induced 5 user for a cheap 3 user Deluxe. It's just that I don't understand the cause and that bugs me (not enough to call on Norton Support). So, I try using MBytes, Windows Defender, and my PIA VPN and see how it works out.


You can keep Norton Password Manager alone for sure.

As for the slowness, do you have any other Anti Virus programs installed? Do you have the VPN on?