Support tech killed my computer

About two weeks ago I installed on my brand  new computer (about six months old) Norton 360. This was not the first time I purchased Norton product. Every year, around December I purchased the latest package of Internet Security but this time I needed it for two computer so I bought the 360. After I installed the software I noticed that my computer has become a little slower, particularly on the Internet. This is not the first time it happened and usually what I do is calling the technical support and they connect to my computer and with some simple actions they go into the Norton setting, change some stuff, and it fixes the problem. That's what I did this time.

But this time I got to some support who doesn't understand anything. She assured me that she knew what to do and told me to keep doing my stuff while she connects to my computer and a fixes the problem. I told her that this is a new computer and doesn't need much fixing and all she had to do was go into the settings of Norton and change a few things. She told me to trust her, she knew what she was doing...

I kept doing what I did and I came back after about fifteen minutes, I glanced at the screen and saw the computer doing some tests. I walked away and after half an hour I went back and saw a message that warns not to turn off the computer because of some disk check and the number was 30%. I continued my business, and occasionally I went back and looked at the screen and saw that the screen has not changed, nor the number of 30%.

When I came back for the third time after about three hours (I was busy cleaning the house) the computer was after restart but couldn't upload windows. On the screen appears a notice of inspection and repair of the disk with the percent of up to 10% and that was it. I called back support and the girl told me it was OK, to try to turn on and off the computer again. I did it three times but the computer returned to the same screen with the 10%. She gave me the phone number for Microsoft and I called them only to find out my computer is dead. they told me there was not reason for the support to touch the setting of the computer.

They recommendation me to call and demanded to speak with supervisor and I did that but she claimed the support lady did nothing wrong and there was no problem with the fact that she played with my computer's settings, it is commonplace for them. She "agreed" to make up for the damages with three additional months subscription for my account. So now I have no computer but I have three more months on Norton...

Today I'm going to take my computer to get serviced and maybe they will be able to save it. I am SO angry at Norton and think that even though I know I'm just a little not important client, after it's the subscription is over I think I will look for another company to buy Antivirus from.