I renewed my Norton subscription, but now I'm having issues with Norton. Norton states it needs to update, but it keeps giving the error that it can't update. My Norton Utilities is disabled, so I deleted the old version and downloaded the new version multiple times, but it continually states I need to reactive. I finally broke down after nearly a month of this and contacted support, however, I can't do that either because I need a support verification code. Following the instructions given does not correlate to the reality of the page, however. Hence, why I am now posting here. Does anyone have any clue how to contact support, or can anyone provide a link to possible solutions or explanations?
Thank you. Turning off FastStart seems to have fixed the issue.
I will uninstall and reinstall, again. Thank you.
you need to reinstalle the program then it works fine work for me
E Black:Does anyone have any clue how to contact support,
Please confirm Windows Fast Startup is off. W10 [here] W11 [here]
Please try clearing browser cookies n' cache.
Please try allowing all Norton pages cookies/ads/scripts/frames/trackers/.
Please try allowing all Norton pages content that may be blocked by browser extensions or built-in browser protections.
Please try with Norton Secure VPN off - before and after machine restart -
Please Restart (not Shut down) machine -
Contact Norton Support ->
Chat Support: Chat Now
Phone Support: View local phone numbers
regarding Chat Support: Chat Now
Please allow all Norton pages content (cookies, ads, trackers, etc., etc).
Please try with ad blocker, tracking prevention and VPN off.
Chat Support -> Please review:
Chat Now -> Sign In to your Norton account ->
click "Manage my account" -> "Something else" -> type "Live Agent" until ChatBot Kate reply: "transferring you to a specialist for further assistance".
regarding Phone Support: View local phone numbers
Please allow all Norton pages content (cookies, ads, trackers, etc., etc).
Please try with ad blocker, tracking prevention and VPN off.
Please share your geo-location/country.
Maybe, I can post Norton Support phone number, if you want?
Are you United States?
Twitter Norton Support
E Black:My Norton Utilities is disabled, so I deleted the old version and downloaded the new version multiple times, but it continually states I need to reactive.
Are you using a Norton Utilities Premium, NUP, that was included as the free bonus for having Auto Renewal set up for your 360 Subscription? If so, there are changes to this free offer. Norton is no longer offering the free NUP for having auto renew set up on 360. The NUP activation will end when any of these things occur.
- You turn off auto renewal for your 360 subscription.
- Your current 360 subscription that originally gave the free NUP expires. Even if you kept auto renew enabled.