I am developing software using Visual Studio and it turns out the latest version of NIS ( will flag and remove most of my compiled binaires. Even right after they are being compiled by Visual Studio.
Just this morning I was using 2011 Version and everything was ok, after upgrading to 2012 those messages started to happen.
Now I have the feeling those are wrongly reported infections.
What do I need to do in order for someone to check this out and help me resolve this problem?
The way it is I can not work anymore.
I did book with the recovery usb version, root kit scanner and what not and they found no problems.
Is it ok to attached an executable here for inspection?
"Auto-Protect is processing security risk Suspicious.Cloud.7.F", so I guess Auto-Protect is catching it.
What is the different, is this good or bad?
The thread did not really help me, as I took out from it adding an exclude for my exe or the path. I used to do this already for performance reasons, but I just want to know is this now a virus or som faulty detection.
And of course it goes further, it Norton detects it as a virus of some sort, and if I release the product to my customers their Norton will think the same, or? Of course this can not happen, not unless there really is bad code inside.
If it is just one application, it is not so much of a problem. If you are developing several constantly changing applications, it becomes more of a problem in submitting all the files. You can submit the .exe file to Symantec and hopefully they can adjust definitions.