Suspicious.Cloud.9 and iwebar uninstall

I am trying to uninstall iwebar.

Everytime when I try to remove in control panel this program I get access denied and Norton Internet Security detects a threat

Suspicious.Cloud.9 and remove it.

But iwebar will not be removed.

Iwebar is malware .

I have tried Norton Power Eraser, I tried Microsoft Fix it , but that program even does not detect that the program is installed.

I have Windows 7 and Norton is completely up to date.



I would suggest a second opinion scan using the FREE version of Malwarebytes. You can find it here


If that does not remove it, I would suggest going to one of the free Malware removal sites below. They have the knowledge and skills to clean up malware from your system.



After I tried to uninstall iwebar Norton Internet Security detect that this program wants to install Suspicious.Cloud.9 and it is removed by NIS.

If I run Norton Power Eraser or NIS and I also used Hitman Pro , all thes programs says no virus on PC.

I have not yet tried other programs , because I am suspicious of anything I don't know, but I am prtetty confident that no virus will be detected.

The problem is uninstalling then the program tries to install the virus.

How to break that vicious circle.

The links given above are for malware removal sites that will help you one on one to remove the PUP.  Using more advanced tools, that may be suggested, can be dangerous.  I recommend this one, as the removalist Quads, is also a forum regular here.  He will give you directions to follow on a protected forum, and supervise the use of the tools required.


You would be better off going to 1 of the sites listed by peterweb. The helpers at those sites have malware removal skills, and they also have people skills, which Quads lacks.

But don't believe me, check this recent thread from his own forum in which he abandoned a person for making an innocent comment. The person apologized and tried to explain but Quads coldly refused to continue helping. Sadly this behavior is typical of Quads and it is one of the reasons most of us do not recommend his website.

The users said Fixed  so the thread is fixed.


The other forums have also stopped threads and  said they have stopped helpping people (in different words) for the same reasons I do.


But Oh well keep bashing me,  I don't care I am use to it.   It is usual of society at times.  That is the way it goes.


You don't recommend my site fine,   But I is starting at times to get around as I have had 2 threads that don't even have Symantec products.  


And at least they don't dangerous and useless info on protected boards,  because protected boards know what they are doing.




Glad to hear that traffic on your site is increasing. May the new year bring you more and all of it worthy of your efforts.

I am increasingly disappointed in the pettiness and unecessary maliciousness from senior users on this forum.  It is the season for good will among men, right?  I should think that means you as well, Turbo.



There are many medical doctors that are practicing ones out in this world who have poor bedside manners, but yet they have busy practices. There are many professors in the academic field who do not have good rapport with their students, but these students still manage to learn from these professors and the professors are still under the employment of the universities. These are but a few of the professions where people have to be able to communicate with others and still learn from others. Quads not only has the education and qualifications to do what he does, but has to contend with something else which not many have to contend with and which can get in the way sometimes. If you are sick with a cold and don't feel well, do you not act or perform while not feeling well? Do you work under the conditions of where you live having a happy face all the time when your home and neighborhood gets destroyed by natual disasters all the time? Do you have to carry your work equipment to a place where you can do your work and carry the work with you when you have difficulty moving under the best conditions? Believe me, I know from recent experience when ones body does not function as it should, that it can get in the way of people skills. I'm not saying that he is perfect, but the one who preaches about something which seems to be bad person skills should at least practice and exhibit the better skills than what he is complaining about. Even though Quads may not always exhibit the best off people skills, he still has the wonderful ability to fix people's computers for free and to spend all that time doing this difficult work without being next to the computer and seeing first hand what the problem is. Evenn if he lacks in the people skills, his work is still being recognized by Norton/Symantec and some of the other removal sites for his knowledge about finding and fixing malware problems.


I know from personal experience that physical disabilities can affect your person skills and can make you cranky and become less able to communicate with others. I have always been a shy, quiet person, but does that mean I can't try to communicate what I feel is the right thing to communicate. Sorry, I'm not one who can express myself the best among people in a forum either, but I don't  have too much skills to express myself popularly among the users of forums. It is the knowledge of computers and their malware and how to clean up computers safely as has been exhibited many, many times in this Forum alone, and doing it successfully and safely without seeing the computers... Despite the things that has happened to Quads, he still tries to help people with their computers and tries to help people in other ways also.


Thank you Quads for fixing countless people's computers that had malware problems and windows problems and even the same people with malware problems again. I have been here long enough to have seen Quads in action while he fixes computers under the worse conditions.

Well said, floplot, as always.  Some of the most useless doctors I had to deal with had the nicest bedside manner.  There are many friendly helpful people that can't remove malware.

delphinium wrote:

I am increasingly disappointed in the pettiness and unecessary maliciousness from senior users on this forum.  It is the season for good will among men, right?  I should think that means you as well, Turbo.


Good will is exactly what I was showing the OP, by steering him away from Quads and trying to get him to go to a reputable site for assistance, a place where he would receive decent treatment and not be penalized for trivial mistakes.

How can you in good conscience recommend Quads website to anyone when there are much better alternatives available? Where is your good will for the OP and other unsuspecting users you have recommended Quads site to? Or does your good will extend only to Quads?

I said nothing petty or malicious in my initial post in this thread, and I even posted a link from Quads own website to prove my point, speaking of that, where is your good will for the poor guy Quads left hanging after only a partial malware removal for no good reason whatsoever? Quads dumped the guy even though he not only apologized but humbly asked for Quads forgiveness. It doesn't get much more cold and cruel than that. If this had been an isolated incident I would not have said a word, but as you know there are many well documented examples of that type behavior and worse right here in the Norton forum.

I have seen you intervene many times when people were giving bad advice and I believe that you gave bad advice in this thread. I felt compelled to provide the OP with info that you did not see fit to provide.

You seem to have a blind spot when it comes to Quads and I have never understood your slavish devotion to him, I probably never will.

I cannot follow all the replies.

Getting desparate, I tried

Installed the program , did the scan, it took 8 hours , but it found at the end 23 points where iwebar was mentioned.

So I clicked remove, then the message restart PC what I did.

The result is I see the welcome screen of windows but then I see only the background color of desktop , waiting for an hour nothing helps.

The only way of shutting down was pressing the power button.

So now I have nothing anymore.

The system started in the safe mode, but I don't know what to do.

The first attempt today 27 dec to go to a recovery point failed.

It is perfectly acceptable for you, in all good conscience, to post that you do not recommend a specific site.  Nothing more need be said. 


You went above and beyond the bounds of good taste and common decency and entered the realm of spiteful.  You are not the forum police.  Nor are you the saviour of all Norton users.  Most of Quads' users receive exactly the help that they asked for from Quads, but you only chose to post  one link that proved out your own personal position on Quads.  Then you had to explain it all in case everybody didn't get it.


It is more than a bit tacky posting a link from Quads' own forum, which is not a purely Norton forum, and thus really not your business.  Is it not sufficient that he no longer helps anyone on this forum.  Is it really necessary to you, and others, that he is not allowed to help anyone because he doesn't do it in a manner approved by you?


The other forums are actually a second choice in skill to Quads, in many cases.  I have no hesitation in recommending him as a removalist, which is what people are looking for, not Miss Manners.



Wimgbax wrote:

I cannot follow all the replies.

Getting desparate, I tried

Installed the program , did the scan, it took 8 hours , but it found at the end 23 points where iwebar was mentioned.

So I clicked remove, then the message restart PC what I did.

The result is I see the welcome screen of windows but then I see only the background color of desktop , waiting for an hour nothing helps.

The only way of shutting down was pressing the power button.

So now I have nothing anymore.

The system started in the safe mode, but I don't know what to do.

The first attempt today 27 dec to go to a recovery point failed.




Is the symptoms above your own machine now as it stands??



floplot wrote:



There are many medical doctors that are practicing ones out in this world who have poor bedside manners, but yet they have busy practices. There are many professors in the academic field who do not have good rapport with their students, but these students still manage to learn from these professors and the professors are still under the employment of the universities. These are but a few of the professions where people have to be able to communicate with others and still learn from others. Quads not only has the education and qualifications to do what he does, but has to contend with something else which not many have to contend with and which can get in the way sometimes. If you are sick with a cold and don't feel well, do you not act or perform while not feeling well? Do you work under the conditions of where you live having a happy face all the time when your home and neighborhood gets destroyed by natual disasters all the time? Do you have to carry your work equipment to a place where you can do your work and carry the work with you when you have difficulty moving under the best conditions? Believe me, I know from recent experience when ones body does not function as it should, that it can get in the way of people skills. I'm not saying that he is perfect, but the one who preaches about something which seems to be bad person skills should at least practice and exhibit the better skills than what he is complaining about. Even though Quads may not always exhibit the best off people skills, he still has the wonderful ability to fix people's computers for free and to spend all that time doing this difficult work without being next to the computer and seeing first hand what the problem is. Evenn if he lacks in the people skills, his work is still being recognized by Norton/Symantec and some of the other removal sites for his knowledge about finding and fixing malware problems.


I know from personal experience that physical disabilities can affect your person skills and can make you cranky and become less able to communicate with others. I have always been a shy, quiet person, but does that mean I can't try to communicate what I feel is the right thing to communicate. Sorry, I'm not one who can express myself the best among people in a forum either, but I don't  have too much skills to express myself popularly among the users of forums. It is the knowledge of computers and their malware and how to clean up computers safely as has been exhibited many, many times in this Forum alone, and doing it successfully and safely without seeing the computers... Despite the things that has happened to Quads, he still tries to help people with their computers and tries to help people in other ways also.


Thank you Quads for fixing countless people's computers that had malware problems and windows problems and even the same people with malware problems again. I have been here long enough to have seen Quads in action while he fixes computers under the worse conditions.


All users have to do is do and follow as I asked, and even if a system takes 20+ pages (because there are more problems or multi infections) I get there.  


As it looks like now if the thread creator has stated symptoms of their own system after Malwarebytes use they now have a bigger hole. I wonder why I say not to just chuck programs at a system?





Please choose one of the forum links given to you in the second or fourth post.  You will need one on one assistance and a flash drive.  Your system can be fixed but it will now be a bit more involved.  Ignore the infighting, please.  Your problem is still of greatest importance.


For me are these discussion beyond my abilities, although I am a well trained telecommunication engineer.

I have the problem on my laptop which is not my prime PC, I saved the most important data via the safe mode and I am now busy to make a clean install .

So for me this topic can be closed.


I'm glad that you were able to deal with your laptop, Wimgbax.  If you find that there is still some kind of problem after the new install, don't be afraid to visit one of the forums suggested.  Some forms of malware do survive a reformat and we never got a chance to find out what the laptop picked up.  Hopefully all goes well for you.