Hi all,
New to the forum and new to using Ghost. I have a computer with a failing hard drive - win 7 64 bit. i plan to swap out the drives.
I just purchased ghost 15. I plan to install it from a download from this site: http://www.norton.com/ng15
then use my product key - i am doing this to hopefully ensure i get a new version of ghost. I can then do live update. But my question is:
do i do a complete backup via one time backup - do this to DVDs or could i just add the new drive format it on the computer and then do the copy hard disk? then pull the bad disk and set the new disk as the master. Is that the best way or should i do a backup to DVD's then put the new disk ion the pc and do a restore from the ghost image on the DVDs - or am i wrong in both counts? If there is a better way, please let me know.