Same exact problem here at the same time. Right after the Symantec update. If I disable the Symantec intrusion prevention all works OK again. Come on Symantec, test this stuff CORRECTLY before releasing it........
Working toward they day when all businesses use COMMON SENSE !!!!!!!!!!!
I saw this also. Figured it was related so didn't go to far in to trouble shooting.......Its a Symantec issue. Also de-installed the 360 product completely and re-installed it. It worked fine till I ran the updates again and the problem was back again. Had to disable the add-on. Looks like they could get it right before a release............
This appears to be a one person conversation, but I'll bet someone broke it off another thread and did not bother to reference the other thread so others could follow it.
it_caveman if you still need assistance, could you start another thread - or perhaps go back over your problems summarizing everything you tried in this thread, as we don't know what it was.
The mod broke this off the original thread because I was using N 360 from Comcast. It still the same issue for all versions though regardless of what they say. It should have stayed where it was originally. They say they are working on the issue caused by the update that was pushed out.....................
The mod broke this off the original thread because I was using N 360 from Comcast. It still the same issue for all versions though regardless of what they say. It should have stayed where it was originally. They say they are working on the issue caused by the update that was pushed out.....................
Because it helps other COMCAST users who may be having the problem and would not look in NIS/NAV for help.
And LiveUpdate should solve the problem, if it is identical in the COMCAST version as in NIS/NAV .... do let us know please.
Problem seems to have been fixed with the latest patch. There were two more a few minutes later so run LU till it doesn't find anymore updates to be certain you get them all and the latest ones....................
Problem seems to have been fixed with the latest patch. There were two more a few minutes later so run LU till it doesn't find anymore updates to be certain you get them all and the latest ones....................
Thanks for the confirmation -- all's well that ends well....