Symantec Network Security Intermediate Filter Driver NOT installed



First time posting here, but I visit this forum often and have not really found an adequate answer or fix for something I think is a problem with NIS 2010 in one of my computers.


NIS 2010, 1 user-3PCs, installed in only two computers.

Ver. in both.


It has been running in my two computers for about 10 months now.


Computer 1 is using Windows XP Pro, SP3 with all updates.

In Properties for Local Area Connection in computer 1, there shows the Symantec Network Security Intermediate Filter Driver installed and with a check mark.

Computer 2 is using Windows XP Home, SP3 with all updates.

In Properties for Local Area Connection in computer 2, the Symantec Network Security Intermediate Filter Driver is not even install, or at least it does not show, yet NIS 2010 is active and functioning in this one, too.

How can I make the Symantec Network Security Intermediate Filter Driver install in the second, should I, or is this something that NIS 2010 decides when to install it or not?


Any information regarding this matter will be greatly appreciated!

Have you run a Network Security Map view on the second machine?  This is available by clicking the Network security Map link int eh middle section on the main screen of NIS2010.

OK, here's what I get the moment I click on Network Security Map:


The instruction at "0x78484ccf" referenced memory at "0x0884f63c". The memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate the program.


Before I get a chance to click on OK, I get warning that Norton Framework is terminating, then the NIS icon disappears from the Taskbar.


I rebooted the machine and tried everything again with the same results.


Don't know what to do next...

I decided to reinstall NIS2010 on the 2nd computer and everything's working right this time around.


As for what caused the problem before, I'm not going to worry about it unless the same thing happens again in that computer.


Thanks for your help in trying to solve this problem.