Symantec Network Security Miniport - is this used with newer versions of NIS?

Hi, all.  I am updating an older machine from an AMD Sempron and Soltek motherboard to a 2.4GHz P4 2.4B and an Intel D845GEBV2 motherboard with 2GB DDR.  All has gone smoothly, except for one thing I find puzzling.


In the past, I have seen that NIS installs items in the Network Adapters section of Device Manager called the Symantec Network Security Miniport.  It does this for the active Network Adapter and the WAN miniport.  The entries can be seen by enabling "Show Hidden Devices" in the Device Manager options.


On this particular machine, the two Symantec Network Security Miniport items are not present.


There are no errors that I can see in the History - the machine Live-Updates correctly and all seems to be working properly - but I am concerned that NIS is not scanning network I/O as it should.



The box uses OEM Windows XP Home - upgraded to SP3.  Is it normal for XP Home to not have the Symantec Network Security Miniport items in Device Manager?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.